Friday, August 19, 2016

Please Pray for Mr. John Vennari

Posted by Tantumblogo i
It has been revealed that Mr. John Verrari has a very serious cancer.  He is requesting prayers.  His prognosis, according to his own testimony, is very grim.  I’ve never been a big reader of Vennari or Catholic Family News, but I have long appreciated his work.  But that is neither here nor there at this point, one of the brethren is in grave trouble, and needs our prayers on many counts, at the very least, for his healing, and for his preparation should the Lord call for the separation of his soul from his body in the near term:
I had not yet intended to reveal his news, but today it was leaked on to another website. I am reluctantly compelled go public earlier than I had hoped.
On August 11 I received a grave prognosis.I have a cancerous tumor in my colon and the cancer has spread to the peritoneum.
The only thing the cancer institute offers is chemotherapy. And even this is not something that will cure, but only contain it for a time.
As I am not interested chemotherapy, I am now pursuing alternative/natural means under the guidance of competence medical personnel, including an MD.
I only mention this now because the news was sent out prematurely by a well-meaning individual who circulated a private email on the topic that ended up posted on a website. I had intended for this news to remain private for the moment.
In any case, as time goes on, I will reveal more.
The case is remarkably serious. I am keeping busy and staying upbeat. For now I’ve been feeling well.
The malady first manifested itself in the form of intense indigestion, something that does not necessarily send one running for cancer screening. Through a series of events, however, we received the diagnosis last week.
Saint Philomena has featured heavily in this drama in a manner I will perhaps describe in the future (look at the date of prognosis, the feast of St. Philomena).
My family is making a novena to both Our Lady of Good Success and Saint Philomena.
I ask you to please remember my condition in your prayers and get others to pray, including convents of nuns.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.
John Vennari
PS: A number of generous souls have already asked if we need financial assistance in this fight. I regret to say we do, but I have nothing formally set up. In the meantime, anyone who would like to help can go to this temporary webpage. Go to:
It is very remarkable that Fr. Nicholas Gruner, with whom Vennari had a very close relationship, died just over a year ago.  It may seem strange that the Lord would call two such men in this time of increasing crisis, but perhaps there is mercy in that, at least for them.  Suffice it to say, no one could ever doubt Mr. Vennari’s concern and love for Holy Mother Church.  I am reminded of the death of my friend and colleague Vicki Middleton, who felt similar symptoms (serious problems of digestion), received a very grim cancer prognosis in summer 2012, and was dead a few weeks later.  I wondered why the Lord would call a woman at the prime of her apostolate, who had done and was doing such great works on behalf of the Church and souls.
Then we saw the re-election of Obama, the abdication of Benedict, and the election of Francis.  Vicki had been a late-life convert to the Faith, and even though very much on fire, still had a lot of protestant in her. Perhaps our Blessed Lord knew all those blows would have been very hard for Vicki, and instead of letting her endure more suffering in this life, with all the risks that involved, exercised a mercy far beyond our comprehension.  I still pray for her every day.
This may ultimately develop into a sad event with Vennari’s passing, but even that may be a very blessed thing.  We should not lament the passing of such souls, but have great hope for them, and pray with great fervor for the repose of their souls.
But, I suppose, I am getting ahead of myself.  Perhaps the Lord will work another kind of miracle, which will astound and edify many souls.  May that be His Will.  Please keep Mr. Vennari in your prayers, which I know you will.

Musings of a Pertinacious Papist

John Vennari: stage 4 cancer, refuses chemo, requests prayer

He reports HERE that he 
is in good spirits, his family
 is making a novena to both
 Our Lady of Good Success
 and Saint Philomena, and
 he asks for prayer.

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