Tuesday, September 6, 2016

According to Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) all Muslims are on the way to Hell-and so also other non Catholics.This is how the Bible was interpreted by the popes and saints

Poland against Islam - Manifestatnion in Wroclaw

All Muslims are on the way to Hell according to Vatican Council II.
So in an Islamic system for example if a pagan women and her child because of promiscuity is condmened to die or is forced to convert she is still going to Hell.

Instead, if there was a Catholic goverment, with the non separation of Church and State, that women and her child would live under different social systems which would help her to go to Heaven.
According to Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) all Muslims are on the way to Hell-and so also other non Catholics.
This is how the Bible was interpreted by the popes and saints.
Mohammad valued the teachings of the Bible( Ahl e Kitab). Jesus and Mary and the Jewish Prophets are given high honour.The moral teachings of Moses are accepted.For Catholics, this same Bible is interpreted, according to the Holy Spirit, as teaching outside the Church there is no salvation( John 3:5, Mark 16:16).
The secular governments which are pro-Satan oppose this teaching of the Catholic Church.Instead they promote pornography, abortion and other evils in society, which will make most people go to Hell.
The secularists are now promoting an invasion of migrants in Europe and the USA to destroy Christendom in its present form while the genocide of Christians continues in the Middle East. ISIS is supported politically and militarily by the secularists.The over all aim is the elimination of the name Jesus, and his one true, faith.
-Lionel Andrades

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