Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Alleged Apparition To Brazilian Seer

Alleged Apparition To Brazilian Seer

Above is an alleged apparition to Brazilian seer Edson Glauber, who is currently appearing in the New Jersey-New York area. Is it authentic, and good?
We report, you discern. There are interesting and at the same time peculiar aspects. We always urge caution. One recent prompt from the seer: pray the Holy Cloak novena. That much we can rest comfortably with.
As we reported a couple of years back:
“Somehow, it has been under the radar: in deepest Brazil, near the dense and forbidding forests of the Amazon, in fact in a state called Amazona, the Blessed Virgin Mary reportedly has been speaking to a duo of visionaries since 1994 in a city called Itapiranga as well as the state capital in apparitions that seem to have approval of the local bishop, who issued a nihil obstat and quominus imprimaturon the Solemnity of the Pentecost in 2009.
“I was asked to express my views about the authenticity of the apparitions of Mary as Our Lady Queen of the Rosary and Peace in Itapiranga during the years 1994-1998,” wrote Archbishop Carillo Gritti of Itacoatiara (the apparitions at Itapiranga formally ended in 1998 and are now mainly received elsewhere, with no similar approbation).
“Many believers and some bishops have pointed out the urgent need for clarification in this regard. I am also personally aware that the development of devotion, which spans a period of fifteen years, so requires. As for the supernatural character and content of the messages, I see that this devotion has taken place in the life of faith of thousands of faithful. I have also been given testimonies of conversion and reconciliation, as well as healing and special protection. In full recognition of the responsibility of the Holy See, it is primarily the task of the local bishop to decide, according to their conscience, the authenticity of private revelations that are occurring or have occurred in his diocese. For this reason, with regard to the results of previous investigations and questions and objections arising from them, I once again asked the advice of some theologians and psychologists. I testify that in their opinion there are no fundamental theological and psychological impediments to the recognition of the supernatural authenticity. Considering these opinions, testimonies, and developments, and pondering all this in prayer and theological reflection, everything leads me to finding that there is in the appearances of Itapiranga a supernatural origin.”
While gaining approval for a period of time, more recent apparitions of Glauber’s in Bergamo, Italy, are at a site of apparitions that originally were connected to another seer and disapproved by the Church.
The bishop added that while such apparitions, visions, and locutions come through the “filter of the senses” (and thus can be and are influenced by human factors), they may also be viewed as an aid to understanding “the signs of the times.”
“The signs of our times are dramatic,” said Archbishop Gritti, according to an initial translation of his notation. “It is my sincere belief that devotion to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, and Queen of Peace, can help us, in the drama of our time, to find the right path, the path towards a new and unique coming of the Holy Spirit, He Who alone can heal the great plagues of our time.”

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