Friday, September 2, 2016

I assume the priests in Dallas, Detroit and the rest of the USA are following the heretical and modernist theology to create new doctrines and a new non traditional interpretation of Vatican Council II.In this way they are not suspended.Michael Voris remains political correct in Detroit. So also Ralph Martin.

Now I am told that there are some upholders of this position at the FSSP church in the Dallas area, Mater Dei. Ironically the FSSPX clergy are more willing to "crack down" on "Feeneyism," possibly because it was condemned during the "good old days." This does not seem to be a "traditionalist" issue per se. The group in New Hampshire attended the Pauline Mass at a local parish under they formally reconciled with the bishop of Manchester and were granted permission to erect their own facility.

New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Texas. Are there followers of this idea where you lived my dear English readers? How about ye Portuguese? And readers in Spain? Americans are of course also invited to respond! Do please say something about the circumstances (social background, the rite of Mass used, and anything else that might be useful in aiding our understanding).
Lionel : 
Now I am told that there are some upholders of this position at the FSSP church in the Dallas area, Mater Dei.  
For me the issue is how do they interpret Vatican Council II, with Feeneyism ( there are no visible, personally known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in 2016) or with Cushingism ( there are objectively known exceptions to the dogma EENS in 2016 so every one does not need to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation from Hell).In general the SSPX, FFSP and sedevacantists are Cushingite.This is acceptable to the Jewish Left and the Vatican.
Possibly Mater Dei priests also interpret the Nicene Creed, the dogma EENS, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the  Letter of the Holy Office 1949 with the Cushing irrationality.This creates a heretical conclusion approved by the contemporary magisterium.
Ironically the FSSPX clergy are more willing to "crack down" on "Feeneyism," possibly because it was condemned during the "good old days." This does not seem to be a "traditionalist" issue per se 
It is a traditionalist issue.The communities at the St. Benedict Centre are traditionalists on the dogma EENS.
Like the other traditionalists( FSSP, SSPX etc) however, they sadly interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism.
One can choose the Feeneyite theology, which is the traditional theology of the saints and popes, and also attend the Novus Ordo Mass.This is what I do.
The group in New Hampshire attended the Pauline Mass at a local parish under(sic) they formally reconciled with the bishop of Manchester and were granted permission to erect their own facility.
They are Feeneyite on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus but like the other traditionalists they are Cushingite on other magisterial documents.
A Catholic can choose to interpret Vatican Council II and the dogma EENS with Feeneyism or Cushingism.
Cushingism is irrational, non traditional, an innovation and heresy.
A Cushingite should not be incardinated or granted canonical status since the Cushing inference creates a first class heresy.It involves changing the meaning of the Nicene Creed with a strange inference.Since this heresy is approved by the political Left it is the acceptable heresy in the Catholic Church.
A Feeneyite, being a traditionalist on Catholic doctrine, would of course be persecuted.

New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Texas. Are there followers of this idea where you lived my dear English readers? How about ye Portuguese? And readers in Spain? Americans are of course also invited to respond! Do please say something about the circumstances (social background, the rite of Mass used, and anything else that might be useful in aiding our understanding).
The Traditional Latin Mass was offered over the centuries with the theology of Feeneyism.It  was the only theology in the Catholic Church.There was no New Theology before the Council of Trent.
The Americans brought the heresy of Cushingism into the Catholic Church.First  Cardinal Gibbons called the desire for the baptism of water of a hypothetical catechuman, a baptism.He considered it a baptism  like the baptism of water.Then Cardinal Richard Cushing rejected the dogma EENS.He assumed hypothetical cases of the baptism of water are visible and personally known.So hypothetical cases were no more hypothetical. They became explicit exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma  by Fr. Leonard Feeney.This is fantasy theology. How can we know of someone saved with the baptism of water in Heaven who is an exception on earth to the traditional interpretation of the dogma EENS? This is called testing ones intelligence.How could Cardinal Gibbons know of a baptism of desire case in Heaven which was the same as the baptism of water ?
I assume the priests in Dallas, Detroit and the rest of the USA are following the heretical  and modernist theology to create new doctrines.Compared to me they have a  new non traditional interpretation of Vatican Council II.In this way they are not suspended.Michael Voris remains political correct in Detroit. So also Ralph Martin.
-Lionel Andrades

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