Thursday, September 1, 2016

Cardinal Raymond Burke is a liberal who offers the Latin Mass.Comments on Islam were conditioned by a Cushingite interpretation of Vatican Council II

Cardinal Raymond Burke has once agian indicated that he is a liberal who offers the Latin Mass.His comments on Islam were conditioned by a Cushingite interpretation of Vatican Council II.
Cardinal Burke was speaking to reporters on Hope for the World: To Unite All Things in Christ which according to Life Sites is a newly-published book-length interview with French journalist Guillaume d’Alançon .1 Other media refer to it as a new book.
In a previous blog post 2 I had written that it is often said that if it was not for Archbishop Lefebvre and the Traditional Latin Mass ( TLM) the Catholic Faith would not exist , as it was known over the centuries.This is not true.Cardinal Burke has confirmed this.
He is not choosing to interpret other religions, salvation, ecumenism, Social Reign of Christ the King with Feeneyism. Instead he has chosen the liberal and irrational Cushingite theology which is a break with Tradition.
The liturgy does not determine the Faith.The liturgy has not preserved the Faith.So it is the same liturgy but with different doctrines and ecclesiology on Islam ,Judaism and other religions.
I had mentioned that 'today when Cardinal Raymond Burke for example, offers Holy Mass ad orientem it is a rupture with the TLM ecclesiology of the 16th century missionaries.' According to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus( EENS-Feeneyite) and Vatican Council II ( Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14) all Muslims in 2016 are on the way to Hell without 'faith and baptism'.There may be 'good and holy things' in Islam or Judaism( Nostra Aetate 2).However the religion is not a path to salvation ( CDF,Notification on Fr. J.Dupuis 2000).
When is he going to say this ?
He cannot.Since theologically he is a liberal and in line with the political Left's Cushingism.
'If he rejected the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and accepted only the first part he would return to the old ecclesiology. He would be saying hypothetical cases are just hypothetical.He returns to the old 16th century ecclesiology of the missionaries which Pope Benedict XVI rejected recently. The popes interpret hypothetical cases in Vatican Council II as being personally known and so are exceptions to EENS( Feeneyite).
'Cardinal Raymond Burke has to make a simple switch mentally and recognise that hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are always theoretical for us, accepted in principle,in good faith, speculatively.
'He has to recognise that Vatican Council II has made a mistake indirectly when it supposes hypothetical cases are not hypothetical.It made a mistake directly when it mentions being saved with the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance. This should not have been there in the text of AG 7 and LG 16.Since it is a reference to non existing people in our reality.The baptism of desire etc is not relevant to all needing 'faith and baptism' for salvation(AG 7).'
'I attend Mass with EENS( Feeneyite), Vatican Council II( Feneyite-no known exceptions to EENS), the Catechism of the Catholic Church ( Feeneyite-hypothetical cases are not objectively known), Nicene Creed ( Feeneyite-there is one known baptism for the forgiveness of sins and not three),Letter of the Holy Office 1949( Feeneyite-first part of the Letter), ecumemism of return( Feeneyite-since there is no known salvation outside the Church), inter-religious dialogue ( Feeneyite-outside the Church there is no salvation), Social Reign of Christ the King ( Feeneyite-since outside the Church there is no salvation), the non separation of Church and State( Feeneyite-since outside the Church there is no salvation),eschatology( Feeneyite-there are only Catholics in Heaven since outside the Church there is no salvation) and the old ecclesiology( Feeneyite-based on EENS Feeneyite).
'For Cardinal Burke, Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Bishop Bernard Fellay it is the opposite. They offer Holy Mass with EENS(Cushingite), Vatican Council II( Cushingite-there are known exceptions to EENS), the Catechism of the Catholic Church ( Cushingite-hypothetical cases are objectively known in 2016), Nicene Creed ( Cushingite-there is not one known baptism for the forgiveness of sins but three or more ),Letter of the Holy Office 1949( Cushingite-second part of the Letter is accepted which contradicts the first part), ecumemism of return( Cushingite-this ecumenism is rejected since allegedly there is known salvation outside the Church,there is the Anonymous Christian).It is the new ecumenism for them.For them inter-religious dialogue is Cushingite- since outside the Church there is known salvation.The Social Reign of Christ the King is Cushingite-since outside the Church there is known salvation.The non separation of Church and State is the result of Cushingism since outside the Church there is known salvation.Eschatology is Cushingite-there are not only Catholics in Heaven but non Catholics too, since outside the Church there is salvation.Ecclesiology is Cushingite-based on EENS Cushingite.
So his statements on other religions and salvation is a break with Tradition.
There is also relativism on the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.He overlooks this point which Louie Verrecchio has brought out well.3
He offers the Latin Mass but his eccclesiology is new.It is the same as the Novus Ordo Mass.
Compared to the teachings of the popes and saints on Islam he offers only relativism based on an irrational and non traditional interpretation of Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

Cardinal Burke: ‘Highly questionable’ to say Islam worships Christian God and is therefore peaceful

August 31, 2016
Liturgy has not preserved the Faith

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