Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Pakistan: Muslim mob beats Christians with metal rods, calls them “ritually impure”


“O you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are unclean…” (Qur’an 9:28).
Muslim spokesmen often accuse Christians of polytheism because of their worship of Jesus as the Son of God.
“The Jews say, ‘Ezra is the son of Allah’; and the Christians say, ‘The Messiah is the son of Allah.’ That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?” (Qur’an 9:30)
“Pakistani Christians Attacked by Drunk Muslim Mob Using Metal Rods as Weapons,” by Samuel Smith, Christian Post, September 21, 2016:
A drunken Muslim mob in Pakistan stormed the homes of Christians and beat men, women and children because they deemed the Christian residents to be “ritually impure.”
As the systematic persecution of Christians in Pakistan continues to increase across the country and the situation shows no signs of improvement, the London-based charity British Pakistani Christian Association reports that a small group of Muslim men in the Faisalabad district physically beat at least seven Christians in the town of Samundri last Friday.
The inebriated men were reportedly being loud and obnoxious as they walked down the residential streets of Samundri. After a Christian woman asked them to quiet down and told them they were disturbing the peace in the neighborhood, they were enraged by “the audacity of ‘ritually impure’ Christians making demands on them,” BPCA reports.
The drunk Muslim men gathered up at least a dozen of their friends and grabbed sticks, metal rods and other assorted weapons and returned to attack the Christian residents.
Upon returning to the neighborhood, the mob stormed the Christians’ homes and indiscriminately beat them without regard for whether they were attacking men, women or children, according to BPCA.
Not only did the Muslim mob physically and verbally assault Christians, they also insulted Jesus Christ, even though He is also a prophet in the Quran.
Seven victims were injured in the attack, five of whom had to go to the hospital to receive treatment for their injuries.
Among those injured are 48-year-old Arif Masih, 40-year-old Parveen Akhtar, 42-year-old Akram Masih, 50-year-old Jamaal Masih, 35-year-old Sharifaan Bibi, 34-year-old Shahzad Masih and 35-year-old Zahid Masih.
“I had returned from work and we were enjoying some rest as we waited for our food to be prepared. A group of drunk Muslims came and were shouting loudly and saying lewd things to any young girls that were passing,” Arif Masih told BPCA officer Kanwal Amar, who visited with the victims in the hospital and at their homes to provide counseling and support.
“My wife asked them to leave the area as they were disturbing locals and they started shouting obscenities at us, but left shortly after,” Masih continued. “About and hour later they returned with a gang of around 15 people and started beating us with sticks and poles. They said all Christians should be killed. They said we were evil demons and made Pakistan impure. I thought I and my family would be killed. It was very frightening.”
When Amar first arrived, he noticed that no report had been filed by police in response to the incident even though there were eyewitness accounts and visible injuries as evidence. Amar later visited the police station in Samundri with a couple local village leaders to urge police to seek justice for the abused Christians….

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