Thursday, September 15, 2016

Pope Benedict approved the mistake of the International Theological Commission, a magisterial error on a faith issue which contradicted the ex cathedra teaching of three Church Councils and popes

Image result for Photo of Pope Benedict XVI with International Theological Commission
Pope Benedict approved the International Theological Commission objective error.The magisterium made a mistake on a faith issue. They did it with the mix up of what is invisible and visible.By confusing what is invisible as being visible a defined dogma, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which Pius XII called an 'infallible teaching', was set aside.It was no more part of 'the deposit of the faith'.
Pope Benedict assumed that the invisible cases of the baptism of desire etc were visible. So for him Pope Piux XII was correct and Fr. Leonard Feeney was wrong.There were visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus for Pope Pius XII.This was not accepted by Fr. Leonard Feeney.
So for Pope Benedict when the saints referred to the baptism of desire the reference was to an invisible case, someone seen ( instead of not seen) in the present times.Like the liberal theologians he re-interprets the saints and popes on the baptism of desire.Like the sedevacantist Fr. Anthony Cekada he reads a reference to the baptism of desire by a saint.He then infers that the saint is referring to a visible case. He then concludes like the Holy Office in 1949 that the baptism of desire is relevant and an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without  being baptized', International Theological Commission, 2007
59. The Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston (1949) offers further specifications. “To gain eternal salvation, it is not always required that a person be incorporated in reality (reapse) as a member of the Church, but it is necessary that one belong to it at least in desire and longing (voto et desiderio). It is not always necessary that this desire be explicit as it is with catechumens.

When one is invincibly ignorant, God also accepts an implicit desire, so called because it is contained in the good disposition of soul by which a person wants his or her will to be conformed to God’s will”. - The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without  being baptized', International Theological Commission, 2007
'it is not always required that a person be incorporated in reality (reapse) as a member of the Church.'
Why is it not necessary?
Since there are exceptions for the popes.

* PRELIMINARY NOTE: The theme “The Hope of Salvation for Infants who Die Without Being Baptized” was placed under the study of the International Theological Commission... The Committee also received the collaboration of Rev. Luis Ladaria, SJ, the Secretary General of the International Theological Commission, and Msgr. Guido Pozzo, the Assistant to the ITC, as well as other members of the Commission.The general discussion on the theme took place during the plenary sessions of the ITC, held in Rome. In October 2005 and October 2006. This present text was approved in forma specifica by the members of the Commission, and was subsequently submitted to its President, Cardinal William Levada who, upon receiving the approval of the Holy father in an audience granted on January 19, 2007, approved the text for publication.

So for Pope Benedict, Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.j and Archbishop Guido Pozzo the baptism of desire is physically seen.Otherwise how could it be an exception to the Feeneyite interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?
The International Theological Commission would assume that St. Thomas Aquinas referred to the man in the forest,in invincible ignorance, as being visible, concrete and known. So the ITC inferred that this was  an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Pope Benedict approved this wrong inference.So the Catechism of the Catholic Church mentions being saved in invincible ignorance.It is relevant for Pope Benedict. He also did not object to its inclusion in Vatican Council II ( LG 16) at which he was present.An invisible man in the forest saved in ignorance is considered known.This is an irrational premise. It is is then concluded that this 'visible' case is an exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church. An irrational and non traditional conclusion is drawn. Here we have Pope Benedict's hermeneutic of rupture being made by Pope Benedict himself.
The baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance were speculative and theoretical.The Letter assumes they are explicit and knowable in personal cases.This was an objective mistake not noted by Pope Benedict XVI.
We cannot see a baptism of desire case yet the New Theology of Pope Benedict XVi is based on us being able to physically see a baptism of desire case.
Then with this new theology LG 16 and LG 14 are assumed to refer to explicit cases in the present times and so Vatican Council II becomes a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition.
-Lionel Andrades

International Theological Commission, Vol I

September 14, 2016

International Theological Commission made a mistake

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