Wednesday, September 28, 2016

We have a new salvation theology and this is not mentioned by the writers of the Liber of Accusations

The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis however they do not mention the heresy  being taught by Catholic organisations with the approval of the two popes.
Here we have Catholic Answers not aware of what is the exact cause of the hermeneutic of continuity. Tim Staples vaguely talks about a dogmatic and pastoral approach.

Pope Framcis like Catholic Answers and EWTN uses a theology, which violates the Principle of Non Contradiction and still after years there is no statement from the writers of the Liber about this.

It is said that there can be no change in the teachings of the Church on faith and morals and yet the teachings on faith have been changed. There are new doctrines on salvation based on the new irrational theology. There is a new ecclesiology of the Church based on the new Cushingite theology.
Trent Horn a Catholic apologist rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus since he assumes there are known exceptions and this is the norm also for Pope Francis and the Jesuits.

How can we violate the Principle of Non Contradiction with theology and create new doctrines and a new faith?We have a new salvation theology and this is not mentioned by the writers of the Liber of Accusations.-Lionel Andrades

Heresy is caused by directly not accepting a teaching of the Church which it is necessary to accept. However heresy is also caused if you mix up what is defacto as being dejure ( in principle), is you confuse what is hypothetical as being objective

With this new theology the Principle of Non Contradiction has been violated. There are two teachings in the Church. One is orthodox and the other ambigous. One is rational and the other is irrational

At Catholic Answers Tim Staples and Patrick Coffin do not realize that the issue is faith.The discipline comes later.First there is a change in doctrine and then this is reflected in the new pastoral practise, the change in discipline. It is not vice versa.

Trent Horn, apologist at Catholic Answers indicates that his understanding of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is Cushingite and not Feeneyite

No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church? -Catholic Answers video : common mistake

Is Salvation Possible for Non-Catholics? : Trent Horn at Catholic Answers assumes Lumen Gentium 16 is not a hypothetical case but refers to someone personally known

Is Catholic teaching on salvation too complicated? : Catholic Answers violates the Principle of Non Contradiction

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