Friday, October 28, 2016

At Pakistani state schools non Catholics are not allowed to use the common drinking water faucet or the toilets - Prof. Mobeen Shahid

In state schools in Pakistan the few non Catholics who study there cannot use the same drinking water faucet as the Muslims nor are can they use the toilets said Prof. Mobeen Shahid a few minutes back on the VideoTeleradio Padre Pio . The program was  Incontri con la Chiesa che soffre.
He said that when students are taught Physics and Chemistry they are also taught about Islam and that historically Islam is the only religion which has saved mankind.He said the information was not true since historically Islam came after many other religions.Yet Islam is taught as being the only religion which has brought the truth to the world.
In all school and university subjects, Islam has to be learnt by all and this is an interpretation of Islam which directs hatred against other religions and non Muslims in general.
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Interviewed by Alessandro Monteduro Prof.Mobeen Shahid who teaches at the St.John Lateran University in Rome said that according to the Blasphey Law any one who intentionally or unintentionally insults the Prophet Mohammad or the Koran can be hanged.Asia Bibi did not insult the Prophet Mohammad but a charge was brought against her by the Imam of the local mosque.He said no one heard Asia Bibi insult the Prophet.
Presently there are many people in jail, including Muslims, under Pakistan Penal Code's Blasphemy Law 295 B and C.The victims include people who have wrongly been accused due to some personal  litigation and who have misused this law.
He said that the Blasphemy Law does not apply to the prophets of other religions but only that of Islam.
Christians are not allowed to speak about their faith or distribute literature, even to Christians themself, since often there is violence directed at them. The state considers it prosyltism and there are penalties.
He mentioned the case of Sister Danielle Baroncelli, a Pauline sister, at the Pauline bookship in Lahore and the bomb which was placed near the book shop.
Presently the Taliban are attacking schools he said and so there is special protection even for the teachers. In the province of Sind, in the south of Pakistan there is a new system whereby a teacher can immediately call the army for help.Many schools teachers and students have been killed in Taliban attacks.-Lionel Andrades


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