Friday, October 14, 2016

Politically correct catechism classes begin in Italy

Image result for Photo Catecechesimo in Roma Vicariato catecesi in parrocchia
The annual Catechesis has begun in the parishes in Italy.They are conduced by catechists approved by the Left.Young Catholics are taught new doctrines and falsehoods but which are politically correct.They have been approved by the Jewish Left, the liberal rabbis associated with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the joint Vatican-Jewish(Left) consortium.
Image result for Photo Catechismo lezione a Roma
This was the catechesis also approved by  Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco when he denied the Catholic Faith in an official meeting with Jewish Left rabbis at the Rome Vicariate Office.Cardinal Bagnasco a  few days back was elected the leader of the new organisation representing the Catholic bishops in Europe.
Here is a report from 2009.

Gun point inter religious moot in Jan 2010
The President of Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) agreed to the demand of a section of the Jewish community, supported by Israel, that Catholics no longer pray for the conversion of Jews .This was the condition for the continuation of dialogue which was broken by the Jewish side after the Holy Father announced the Revised Good Friday Prayer for the Jews.

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco President, CEI and Archbishop of Genoa, at a meeting with Rabbis Segno and Giuseppe Laras .A CEI communiqué announced that there will be no more active attempts to convert Jews.

The original news was not reported by Zenit whose founder has been given a special award by the Jewish Left community.The daily Avvenire carried the story of the sell out.

According to the Jewish JTA

Italian Jewish leaders drop Church boycott
September 23, 2009

ROME (JTA) -- Italian Jewish leaders will drop their boycott of the Catholic Church's annual celebration of Judaism.

Italian rabbis pulled out of this year's Jan. 17 "Day of Judaism" over the Vatican's reintroduction last year of a Good Friday Latin prayer that appeared to call for the conversion of Jews. The decision to drop the boycott comes after they received assurances that the Church does not actively try to convert Jews.

The Italian Bishops Conference said in a statement that the agreement to resume participation came at a meeting that Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, the president of the Italian Bishops Council, held Tuesday with Rome Chief Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni and Rabbi Giuseppe Laras, the president of the Italian Rabbinical Assembly.

"There was a common belief that the resumption of this celebration will help mutual understanding and render collaboration for the growth of love towards God and neighbors more fruitful," the statement said.

At the meeting, the statement said, Bagnasco offered Rosh Hashanah greetings and also underscored "in the most absolute way" that the Church has not changed its policy toward the Jews.

"The Conference of Italian Bishops reiterated that it is not the intention of the Catholic Church to work actively for the conversion of the Jews," the statement said.

Bagnasco also expressed concern about continuing incidents of anti-Semitism that he said must be countered. 

Rabbi Laras had said the pope’s text encourages Catholics to pray that Jews would recognize Christ as the savior. In addition, he said, by praying they would be enlightened the prayer implies that the Jews are blind to the truth.(Church’s Good Friday Prayer Sparks Controversy with Italian Jewish Leaders December 1, 2008 Breaking News By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS). 

Cardinal Bagnasco is indicating that the Catholic teaching and religion was inferior to Judaism suggested by Rabbi Laras and indicated by the ADL websites.It also accepts the Jewish concept of history that Jesus was not the Saviour.

The Jewish Catholic Day of Reflection was cancelled this year.It will now be held in January 2010 after much international 'pressure' from the Jewish side.-Lionel Andrades


Image result for Photo Catechismo lezione a Roma

1.With  the approval of the non Catholics in power, atholics will NOT be  taught that the Second Vatican Council (AG 7, LG 14) shows all non-Catholic Christians are on the road to hell, without the Catholic faith, which includes the Sacraments and the traditional faith and the moral teachings of the Church.
2.They will not  be taught that all non-Catholics, Jews and Muslims included, they are on the road to Hell in 2016.Since they will die without 'faith and baptism' which is necessary for the salvation of all (Ad Gentes 7)
3.They will not be taught that Catholics are the new people, the new chosen people (Nostra Aetate 4).
4. They are not permitted to be  taught that most of the people are on the road to Hell in 2016 as die without faith and baptism.
5. They are not permitted to be taught that there are no known cases of baptism of desire and to be saved in ignorance invincible in 2016 that could be exceptions for Feeneyite interpretation of dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus;
the dogma as it was known in the 16th century as missionaries have no exceptions.
6.They will not be taught that the Second Vatican Council does not contradict the traditional teachings of Church.It does not conflict with the Catechism of Pius X, the Syllabus, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.-Lionel Andrades
Image result for Photo Catechismo lezione a Roma

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It’s time for cardinal, bishops and traditional religious groups to say openly that they accept Vatican Council II and reject the Jewish Left interpretation of the Council.
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October 8, 2009
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There is no intention to convert Jews says President of Italian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Image result for Photo Catechismo lezione a Roma

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