Monday, October 24, 2016

Pope Francis affirms 'the absoluteness and uniqueness' of Jesus which is common for him in the Lutheran and Pentecostal communities too : not necessary to convert

As battle for Mosul rages, Pope denounces murder of innocents in Iraq
not necessarily to convert.
Pastorally, this was not the way I heard it.
Not necessarily to comvert? Not necessarily to enter the Catholic Church? Why? Are they not all going to Hell outside the Church?
Of course not! He does not believe in the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) or Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) supporting the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church.
He is not a Feeneyite but an irrational and non traditional Cushingite.
He is proclaiming Jesus without the necessity of the Church.This would be in line with the new ecumenism. Even the Jehovah Witnesses' on the streets of Rome distribute pictures of Jesus. However for them Jesus is one with St. Michael Archangel and Jesus is....
He is affirming 'the absoluteness and uniqueness' of Jesus which is common for him in the Lutheran and Pentecostal communities too.

He is affirming Jesus as the one Saviour of all, even of whose Christians whose religious communities officially support contraception and divorce and reject the Catholic concept of the Eucharist.
He has changed salvation theology and was clearly saying when I heard it that conversion was not necessary.
First the Jesuits rejected the dogma EENS and expelled Fr. Leonard Feeney from their religious community. Now the Jesuit pope openly says that conversion is not necessary.I suppose he could judge who among the non Catholics are not going to Hell.
-Lionel Andrades

Sunday, October 23, 2016 Mission Sunday

Pope Francis says mission does not mean trying to convert

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