Sunday, October 23, 2016

Pope Francis says mission does not mean trying to convert

As battle for Mosul rages, Pope denounces murder of innocents in Iraq
I was at St.Peter's Square today at the time of the Angelus.I was trying to walk across from the side where the Mother Teresa home for women is,  to the other side, to reach the metro station.There was an immense crowd.Many were there from yesterday in rememberance of Pope John Paul II.I had to circle the square to reach the other side.
When I was in front of the office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith the pope began speaking about mission, on Mission Sunday.
Speaking in Italian he said Mission does not mean conversion.
Mission does not mean conversion. The aim is not to convert!
I passed by a group of young religious men and I said to them aloud ,"You heard that! The pope said no conversion".They smiled back at me.They understood, I thought. This is Pope Francis.
Possibly one of the reformed rabbis, Rabbi Skorka or someone else, told him to say this and so he repeated it.
A few days back he said that there would be no mission to the Orthodox Christians. He has also closed down the Catholic Russicum seminary in Rome.
The Franciscans of the Immaculate seminary in Boccea, Rome which was missionary still remains closed  and Fr. Stefano Manelli F.I is presently being persecuted by the religious and secular authorities.
After two rabbis ,Segno and Lara, visited Vatican Offices a few years back the Urbaniana University changed its mission policy. Since then Christians from the other denominatations, along with Catholics conduct mission together. This is approved by the Jewish Left.It is part of the Masonic one world agenda which the two popes have to follow.
What a disappointment this must have been for those who were there in rememberance of Pope John Paul II. This was the pope who went to India and called them all to convert.He wanted to go to China with the same message but was not allowed to enter.
On a previous Mission Sunday, a few years back, Pope Benedict hesitantly at the end of the Angelus discourse said in Italian that it was Mission Sunday.Nothing more.
Pope Francis instead spoke freely about mission and it was not the prepared talk released by Vatican Radio. However he was referring as usual, to mission, without Catholic doctrine.Probably due to the Masonic lobby or may be due to personal beliefs, he comes across as '  an un-believing pope'. The pope who does not believe.
He does not believe in the fires of Hell. He does not believe that most people are going there. He does not see the need for non Catholcs to formally convert and enter the Church to be saved from Hell.
He does not believe in the faith teachings of the Church, which are de fide and have been proclaimed ex cathedra by previous popes.
Amoris Laetitia also shows that he does not believe in the moral teachings of the Church too.He  officially wants to change them.
When the pope follows, for whatever reason, the agenda of the secret societies who want to destroy the Church he is indirectly following the agenda of Satan.
It was Our Lady who warned us in her messages to Fr. Stefano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests that Satan would enter the highest levels of the hierarchical church.
She also said that those who are faithful to the teachings of the Church in these end times, will be persecuted.Some could be called to martrydom.La Stampa/Vatican Insider the other day announced a 'hit list' of conservative Catholic Italians.
She said all the enemies of the Church will unite and try to completely eliminate it.There will also be the coming of the Anti Christ.
However in the end Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph. There will be a Catholic Church which is small but evangelical.There will also be a purification of the world at large.This must happen before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.-Lionel Andrades

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