Monday, October 3, 2016

There are lay and religious Catholics who are aware of the error and have proclaimed it. I assume they proclaim the Catholic Faith without the common confusion,privately.In public if they are priests they could be suspended by the present magisterium supported by the political Left

Lionel L. Andrades10 hours ago
rhemes1582 11 hours ago
Besides you having to play tennis with HC up here , I would like to ask you.

I am affirming the Catholic Faith. I am affirming the doctrines of the Church, the citations from Vatican Council II and the dogma EENS and I am pointing out the irrationality of the new theology which is used in general in the Catholic Church and which can be avoided.
With reference to your previous comment I mentioned that I affirm the baptism of desire in principle and do not believe that they are known cases in 2016 to be relevant to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

What is your purpose for repeatedly stating the error as you see it, that a great many in the church follow according to you?
I have read you criticizing or calling these Catholics to be in error
Yes I repeatedly call attention to Catholics who use an irrational premise and conclusion to interpret the baptism of desire etc.
They are constantly interpretating LG 16 (invincible ignorance) as being explicit and so an exception to the dogma EENS.So I correct this.
They are unaware that Vatican Council II like the dogma EENS can be interpreted with the theology of Feneeyism or Cushingism.So I have to keep writing about it.
They violate the Principle of Non Contradiction and are not aware of it.

The FSSP the Feenyites (as you call them) The Church Hierarchy (Magisterium) etc. pretty sure you even threw in the SSPX and some sedevacantist for good measure.
I do not call the FSSP Feeneyites. I also refer to the communities of Fr. Leonard Feeney, whom I admire and support in many ways, as the St. Benedict Centers.I make the distinction between the present magisterium and that of the past.They are not the same in their theology, doctrines and the faith.
The FSSP,the present Vatican Curia,the St.Benedict Centers and the SSPX,like the liberals are all interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.They interpret the Council assuming invisible cases are objectively visible in 2016.This is contrary to the Principle of Non Contradiction and they all can correct themself.

What is the point in all this?
What are you trying to tell everyone?
Proclam the faith and avoid the irrationality and the innovation.
Is there anyone sound or faithful in the Church according to your measuring stick?
Yes there are lay and religious Catholics who are aware of the error and have proclaimed it. I assume they proclaim the Catholic Faith without the common confusion, privately.If they proclaimed it in public as  priests they could be suspended by the present magisterium supported by the political Left.
-Lionel Andrades

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