Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Uganda: Christian convert from Islam beaten unconscious by husband for attending church


Jihad Watch recently ran a feature: “The price of converting to Christianity from Islam”. Listed among the high costs was the loss of the former Muslim’s family. Well, this story below illustrates an actual case of what happened to a 21-year-old Ugandan, Fatuma Baluka, who converted to Christianity and dared to go to church.
After being accused of being an infidel, Baluka explained that she has become “an enemy” to her husband and that her Muslim parents “will not receive” her either.
“Woman Viciously Beaten Unconscious by Muslim Husband After Attending Church Service in Uganda”, by Samuel Smith, Christian Post, September 27, 2016:
A woman in the landlocked African nation of Uganda was beaten unconscious by her Muslim husband and hospitalized because she attended a church service and allegedly converted to Christianity.
Twenty-one-year-old Fatuma Baluka, who lives in Uganda’s eastern Budaka District, recently told the Christian persecution watchdog website Morning Star News that she was knocked unconscious and ferociously beaten by her husband, Hussein Kasolo, last Sunday after she attended a nearby Christian church with her friend.
“When I arrived home, my husband shouted at me as an ‘infidel,’ and then and there started hitting me with a metallic object,” Baluka said. “I fell down, only to find myself in a hospital bed.”
Fortunately for Baluka, who is the daughter of an Islamic leader in the predominantly Muslim village, her neighbors came to her rescue and stopped the husband from continuing to beat her. When the neighbors saw Baluka, she was bleeding badly from her head and leg.
“We found Baluka unconscious, and we were able to overpower the husband’s brutal attack,” the anonymous neighbor told Morning Star News.
The neighbors then took Baluja to the nearby hospital where she was hospitalized for about four days before being discharged last Thursday.
The pastor of the unnamed church that Baluka and her friend attended told Morning Star News that Baluka is now becoming a Christian….
After being accused of being an infidel, Baluka explained that she has become “an enemy” to her husband and that her Muslim parents “will not receive” her either.
“I feel disowned and helpless,” she said.
Baluka has been displaced from her home and is now seeking refuge.
Although a strong majority of people in Uganda are Christians (85 percent), honor crimes continue to be a constant problem in areas of the country, especially areas with a majority Muslim population.
In August, it was reported that the parents of eight children in the Luuka District who gave their lives to Christ were also beaten and cast away by their Muslim families. Additionally, the pastor who converted the children was also told that if he does not move his ministry out of the area, he will be killed.
In June, it was reported that a Muslim father in the Kamuli District tied his 9-year-old son to a tree and lit him on fire because he converted to Christianity and refused to fast during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
In March, a Muslim family beat their son and burned down his home after he told his father that he had given his life to Christ.


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