Thursday, November 3, 2016

After Renzi approved homosexual unions there was the quake in Ammatrice.On the vigil of Pope Francis' visit to the Lutherans there was an earthquake in Norcia. What next?

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Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of November 2016


Earthquake: Of the many churches in Norcia, Italy, none has remained undamaged after the terrible earthquake of October 30th. The Catholic journalist Cristina Siccardi notices that the disaster happened on the vigil of Pope Francis’ Lutheran prayer in Lund, Sweden, where he thanked God for the spiritual and theological gifts received through the Protestant reformation. Quote: “The Church has undergone a terrible earthquake in Lund while the houses of Our Lord collapsed in Norcia.” Norcia is the home of Saint Benedict, patron saint of Europe.

Catholics Take Note: Catholic League’s Bill Donohue has commented on how U.S. President Obama twice insulted Catholics this week by appearing on the TV shows of Samantha Bee and Bill Maher whom Donohue calls - quote – “two foul-mouthed anti-Catholic bigots”. Quote: “Someone needs to ask White House press secretary Josh Earnest why the president is giving cover to these two anti-Catholic bigots. That he chose the week before the election shows how downright hypocritical he is. We hope Catholics take note.”

Prayer Team: Barry York, a professor of pastoral theology at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh has published his top ten suggestions for new pastors. The first suggestion: Form an external prayer team, formed by friends and family, before you arrive. The second: systematically visit with the congregation through your first year.

Servants of the Devil: Serge Abad-Gallardo is a French civil servant who belonged more than 20 years to the masonic sect of the French Grand Orient. He published to books about this experience. The first: “I knocked at the door of the Temple”. And the second: “I served Lucifer without knowing it.” Abad-Gallardo shows in these books that Freemasonry has been working for more than 300 years to undermine all Christian achievements in society. He calls Freemasonry a satanic religion.

After Renzi approved homosexual unions there was the quake in Ammatrice.On the vigil of Pope Francis' visit to the Lutherans there was an earthquake in Norcia. What next?
-Lionel Andrades

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