Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Ave Maria! The doctrinal issue has been resolved in favour of the SSPX and the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate.No one can fault them theologically or doctrinally.

Our Lady of GuadalupeFor canonical status  the Society of St. Pius X( SSPX) simply have to announce that they accept Vatican Council II  like the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate.The Sisters have announced that they do not accept Vatican Council II like the interpretations in the secular media.
Instead they accept Vatican Council II without the Rahnerian theology.
They clarified about a year back that they accept Vatican Council II without the Rahnerian theology!!!
So do I.
They've got it right. This is the heart of the issue.
In this way they accept the Council according to the Syllabus of Errors and Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nullas salus(EENS). This is the  dogma on exlusive salvation in the Catholic Church with no known exceptions.The baptism of desire is a possibility but not an exception. This was how it was understood in the 16th century.
Our Life
So with Feeneyite EENS in tact there can be no change in ecclesiology.There can only be an ecumenism of return. Jews, Muslims and other non Christians need to be incorporated into the Church as members for salvation ( to avoid the fires of Hell).Due to the importance of this issue, the salvation of the souls of most people on earth, there is the necessity for this ecclesiology to be expressed in political and social legislation in Italy and other countries.
In this way the SSPX would be following their General Chapter Statement 2012 which affirmed EENS with no known exceptions.
The doctrinal issue has been resolved.Vatican Council II without Rahner's theology is traditional.
They can have their cake and  eat it too.
Contemplative Sisters at prayer
They support Tradition, rationality and Vatican Council II without the irrational new theology.
They are doing this without assuming that the baptism of desire is explicit.This is the mistake of the new theology.It can be avoided and Vatican Council II can be re-interpreted as it is.
So whether we attend the Traditional Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo Mass the ecclesiology will be the same and there will be no new doctrine.
This will not be accepted by ecclesiastical masonry.
Ecclesia Dei obviously knows about what I have been writing on this blog. I have also been e-mailing them and the CDF.
Remember of get rid of the new theology we still affirm the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance.However we clarify that it only refers to hypothetical cases,imaginary and theoretical cases, speculation, something which would be known only to God, if it happened.
The baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance with or without the baptism of water, are not objective cases in 2016.They can never be objective cases. This is common sense. Nether is being saved ' with elements of sanctification and truth'(LG 8), 'good and holy things in other religions'(NA 2), 'seeds of the Word'(AG 11),'imperfect communion with the Church'(UR 3), objective cases.They are all hypothetical references.So they are not relevant to the dogmatic teaching in practical life, defacto, when we meet people.We cannot meet a saved with the baptism of desire case. Neither can we speculate that a friend or relative will be saved with the baptism of desire or seeds of the Word etc.
Contemplative Sisters at prayer
This was how the Concil of Trent and the popes and saints interpreted the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance.Hypothetical cases!This was not how the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 interpreted hypothetical cases.It mistook them for being objective cases in the present times and so the new theology was born. The Letter has misled the whole Church.With an inter office letter from one bishop to another and which was not made public for three years, a dogma defined by three Church Councils was eliminated by ecclesiastical masonry.
When it is clear that Fr. Leonard Feeney and the St.Benedict Center was teaching orthodoxy and the Archbishop of Boston and the cardinals at the Holy Office, Rome were in heresy, we can eliminate the error of the new theology.I sometimes have been calling it Rahnerian theology or Cushingism or the dead man walking and visible theology.
Ave Maria! The doctrinal issue has been resolved in favour of the SSPX and the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate.No one can fault them theologically or doctrinally.
-Lionel Andrades

Image result for Misericordia et Misera Photo November 21, 2016
Can the SSPX accept Vatican Council II like the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate to get canonical status ? : No one tells the pope that he is interpreting Vatican Council II with bad philosophy and bad theology which has now been exposed


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