Saturday, November 12, 2016

France shuts down four more ‘extremist’ mosques


The decision to shut down four “extremist mosques” in the Paris region was based on this:
Article 8 of the laws around the state of emergency which allows for closing places of worship in which words are spoken that provoke hatred or violence or incite people to commit acts of terrorism or justify such acts.
These latest closures come after twenty other mosques were shut down for preaching the jihad ideology in the last year.
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has stated:
There is no place … in France for those who call for and incite hatred in prayer halls or in mosques … About 20 mosques have been closed, and there will be others…
Every Western country needs to be monitoring mosques for jihadist preaching, given the magnitude of the problem. That includes the U.S.; and recently in Canada, the Toronto Star revealed that Islamic schools and mosques are “filled with extremist literature”.
“France shuts four ‘extremist’ mosques in Paris region”, The Local, November 2, 2016:
The mosques were all in the Ile-de-France region around Paris – in the departments of Yvelines, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val de Marne.
In a statement the interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve said authorities had “arranged the administrative closure of four mosques.”
The decision to shut them down was based on “Article 8 of the laws around the state of emergency which allows for closing places of worship in which words are spoken that provoke hatred or violence or incite people to commit acts of terrorism or justify such acts.”
The closures take effect immediately.
One of the mosques was the Al-Islah mosque in Villiers-sur-Marne where authorities discovered a hidden Islamic school in the summer.
It was known to intelligence services because it was frequented by 12 individuals convicted of trying to travel to Syria to wage jihad.
One of the closures was an Islamic prayer room in the town of Ecquevilly in Yvelines that was “an influential place for the Salafist movement… that called for discrimination and hate and even violence.”
After the spate of terror attacks over the last year the French government has been under pressure to crack down on radical Islam, particularly in mosques…..

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