Saturday, November 5, 2016

No doctrine was changed in the text of Vatican Council II.However an irrational theology was used.With this theology the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which is a foundation dogma for other doctrine( ecumenism etc) was discarded

Comments from The Remnant Newspaper
And correct me if I am wrong, but was it not asserted by Paul VI that no doctrine was changed in Vat II, it was only a pastoral council? So where does that leave those new, improved notions put forth by Vat II, or the "Spirit" of Vat II?
Precisely.No doctrine was changed in the text.However an irrational theology was used.With this theology the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which is a foundation dogma for other doctrine( ecumenism etc) was discarded.
The theology was based on a false premise and conclusion.It was accepted by the magisterium and the traditionalists.
In this way Vatican Council has changed doctrine for all in general- but not for me. I avoid the false premise and conclusion. I do not use the theology to interpret any magisterial document.-Lionel Andrades

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