Monday, November 21, 2016

On the feast of Christ the King homilies were controlled and restricted by the Vatican with the approval of the political Left

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On the feast of Christ the King yesterday,Sunday, homilies were controlled and restricted by the Vatican with the approval of the political Left. I did not hear any priest call for all political and social legislation to have Christ the King as its centre. Instead the priests spoke vaguely about making Christ the king of our hearts and to know that his kingdom is within us.
Even the daily Avvenire, of the Catholics bishops conference mentioned the feast but projected social values, solidarity etc. They mentioned Quas Primas and other encylicals of the popes in a article tucked away in the inside pages of the daily newspaper.
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Ecclesiastical masonry does not encourage Catholics voting for Catholic political parties which support the Soical Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation. The cardinals and bishops too vote for the leftist  or right wing political parties whose priorities are not the teachings of the Catholic Church on the Social Reign of Christ the King.
To protect their wordly interests under hostile leftist laws, the Catholic faith is not proclaimed and a new Gospel continues to be preached in the Catholic Church world wide.
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Vatican Council II is not being interpreted in harmony with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which is the basis of the traditional teaching on the Social Reign of Christ the King and the importance of there not being a separation of Church and State.
Even the traditionalists who affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King based on Quas Primas negate it with Rahnerian theology. This theology is based on invisible cases being invisible and so the conclusion is non traditional and irrational. This was the ruse used by ecclesiastical masonry to eliminate the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the old eccclesiology of the Church.
Image result for photo of Catholic priest delivering a sermon in churchImage result for photo of Catholic priest delivering a sermon in churchRelated image
So today the Traditional Latin Mass is offered with Rahnerian theology.It is the same with the Novus Ordo Mass. The priests who offer the Traditional Latin Mass will not affirm the old ecclesiology and reject Rahnerian theology.Since it would mean a loss of his career. The priest would be suspended by the Vatican with the approval of the Jewish Left rabbis.So presently homilies are mild and politically correct all over the world.
-Lionel Andrades

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