Friday, November 18, 2016

The two Catholic political organisations are Forza Nuova and Militia Christi. These two lay organisations should be supported in some way this feast of Christ the King

With the feast of Christ the King Tomorrow Catholics could affirm the traditional teaching on the Social Reign of Jesus Christ the King  over all political legislation.They can do this  by supporting in some way the few Catholic political organisations,  based upon this traditional teaching. There are two political organisations in Italy which affirm that all political legislation should have as its centre Jesus Christ as known in the Catholic Church.There could be more.
foto di Militia Christi.
foto di Militia Christi.

The two Catholic political organisations are Forza Nuova and Militia Christi. These two lay organisations should be supported in some way this feast of Christ the King.
I base the the teaching on the Social Reign of Christ the King upon the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which is supported by Vatican Council II.
Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7).All. So it is a priority that all people enter the Catholic Church, to avoid the fires of Hell.
-Lionel Andrades

November 18, 2016

On Sunday is the feast of Christ the King. We need to only vote for a political party which upholds the separation of secularism and state


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