Thursday, November 24, 2016

There are reports which say that with reference to the dubbia of the four cardinals Pope Francis has cited Vatican Council II.On this issue the four cardinals and bishop Athanasius Schneider have not responded.

There are reports which say that with reference to the dubbia of the four cardinals Pope Francis has cited Vatican Council II.On this issue the four cardinals and bishop Athanasius Schneider have not responded.
They have not told the Pope that there is nothing in Vatican Council II which supports his rejection of the moral teachings of the Catholic Church, in Amoris Laetitia.
Nor have they told him that there is an objective mistake in Vatican Council II which when avoided takes the Catholic Church  back to the old ecclesiology and the old salvation theology, which is also rejected by the two popes and the Vatican Curia.
The cardinals and Bishop Schneider have not responded to the issue of Vatican Council II and are still interpreting the Council with the same objective mistake, the factual error responsible for the new theology.It makes the Council a break with Tradition and this is acceptable to Pope Francis and is unacceptable to the cardinals and Bishop Schneider.
They have not responded also to posts on the Internet  which state that the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate have said that they accept Vatican Council II without the Rahnerian theology.
This is a new possibility for the interpretation of Vatican Council II by religious communities and all Catholics. The cardinals and Bishop Schneider have not responded. Are they also willing to accept Vatican Council II like the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate?-Lionel Andrades

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