Saturday, November 12, 2016

UK: Prosecutors afraid to tackle honor killings for fear of unrest from Muslims


Note the use of the term “Asian communities,” reflecting the British media’s ongoing fear of identifying Muslims as Muslims. The same term “Asian” men was often used as a euphemism for Muslim men in describing the perpetrators in the Rotherham sex scandal, in which Muslim men violated some 1400 young girls.
It’s also reported that in the UK, only “three of 43 police forces prepared to tackle honour violence ‘for fear of causing unrest in Asian communities’” and that the Crown Prosecutors Office “is facing an unprecedented wave of criticism over its prosecutions in child sex abuse cases, rape inquiries and a string of failed prosecutions against journalists.”
It is no secret that Islamic supremacists have been implicated in widespread sex assaults on Western soil, ruining the lives of women and their families, and are also committing an exorbitant range of other crimes. Now British authorities are so cowed by the fear of violence from Muslims that they are reluctant to report even the identity of the perpetrators, let alone the crimes.
That same fear is to blame not only for the shocking coverup of Muslim rape gang activity in the UK, but for the Swedish rape crisis; the coverup of a second Muslim beheading in Britain; and the fact that German police were reportedly told to coverup sex assaults by Muslim migrants.
“Prosecutors are failing ‘honour’ crime victims, say Met whistleblower”, UK Guardian, November 8, 2016:
Prosecutors are failing to tackle “honour crimes” in British Asian communities for fear of causing unrest, a Scotland Yard whistleblower has said.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has “denied justice” to victims, Det Sgt Pal Singh told the Daily Telegraph. He said he has witnessed what he believes to be serious miscarriages of justice and felt it was in the “public interest” that he speak out.
The serving officer said: “There appears to be an apathy from the CPS when prosecuting cases where Asian women are victims of ‘honour’-based violence.
“A conviction could lead to unrest in the affected community but if they discontinue a case they know most victims won’t complain due to their vulnerability.”
He told the paper he was prompted to speak publicly after the CPS dropped a forced marriage charge in a case because it said it was unable to locate the victim.
But Det Sgt Singh said he had written to the CPS saying the 27-year-old victim from south London would attend court.
The CPS instead said it would continue with the charges of false imprisonment and common assault and wrote to Det Sgt Singh apologising for not consulting him before dropping the charge.
Figures published by the CPS in September showed there were no successful prosecutions under a specific forced marriage offence in 2015/16, after its introduction in 2014.
However, the report showed there were 53 prosecutions flagged as forced marriage in 2015/16, with six in 10 of those leading to convictions. One defendant was convicted of breaching a forced marriage protection order.
A CPS spokesman said: “These crimes are among the most complex referred to the CPS by police and, as recent statistics show, all agencies involved have major challenges to overcome.
“We recognise that it can be very difficult for victims to come forward, report these crimes and maintain their support during a prosecution, due to the nature of the offences.
“Victims will often be reluctant to criminalise their families, and can feel isolated. The CPS recognises that ‘honour’-based violence and forced marriage are fields in which we need to improve our understanding, response and support to victims…..

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