Sunday, December 4, 2016

Nigeria: Muslims carry out coordinated attacks on Christians in 5 villages, murdering 45


Will the Islamophobia never end?
Muslim mob Nigeria
“‘Ethnic cleansing’ attacks by Muslim clan on Christians leaves 45 dead and scores injured,” by Rehema Figueiredo, Express, November 23, 2016:
A SERIES of chilling attacks on by Muslims on Christians in Nigeria has left 45 people dead and others fighting for their lives amidst an increasing Islamic crackdown in the country.
The co-ordinated attacks were executed in five villages across the central belt of the West African nation – an area mostly populated by Christians.
The Muslim Hausa-Fulani herdsmen responsible for the latest wave of killings have already taken over 16 villages – stealing grazing land from Christian communities.
Most of the victims in the latest atrocities were women, children and elderly people, who could not escape the gunfire of the attackers.
More than 120 buildings, including eight churches, were also razed to the ground.
Samuel Adamu, who was in one of the villages that came under attack, said: “They laid siege to the village before they started shooting sporadically and throwing explosives at our homes.
“They were armed with guns, knives, machetes and explosives.
“They slaughtered [and] butchered women, children and old people who could not escape.”
The local government condemned the “barbaric” attacks but the chairman of a local group of evangelical churches, Rev. Zachariah Gado, said the attackers were escaping justice.
He said: “There have been increasing indications of the existence of a desperate, well-funded, organised and executed campaign not only to make life unbearable for the entire southern Kaduna territory through threats, intimidation and psychological warfare, but also to occupy the land through what can only be described as ethno-religious cleansing by Fulani herdsmen militia.”…

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