Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Pope Francis phases out the Eucharist

Francis further abolished the public papal Mass for the Assumption, the Eucharistic Adoration with the Pope during papal visits or World Youth Day and religious meetings in St. Peter’s Square, the greeting of the Blessed Sacrament during his visits to churches, and the presence of the Pope at the public Procession of Corpus Christi in Rome.
Religion-free Religion: “We already knew that Francis Bergoglio generally doesn’t much like the religious part of religion” – writes the journalist Hilary White on her blog. She adds: “More and more people are waking up to the self-evident fact that Bergoglio simply isn’t a Catholic, and that he wants to place himself as the head of an entirely new religion-free religion.”

Vespers for Creation: Hilary White gives an example: Francis abolished the First Vespers of Advent sung by the Pope. Instead, he imposed to the whole Church the obligation of the celebration of Vespers for Creation of September 1, over which he himself presides in Saint Peter’s.

Francis further abolished the public papal Mass for the Assumption, the Eucharistic Adoration with the Pope during papal visits or World Youth Day and religious meetings in St. Peter’s Square, the greeting of the Blessed Sacrament during his visits to churches, and the presence of the Pope at the public Procession of Corpus Christi in Rome.

The Poor: Philip North, the Anglican Bishop of Burnley, England, has accused the Church of England of being run by elites who do not stand up for the family, are embarrassed by patriotism and fail to understand the simple and poor people who have voted for Brexit. North voiced his criticism in a Church Times article. Quote: “The Church's agenda is being set not by the poor, but by academics, the moneyed elites, and certain sections of the secular media,” and: “We listen to the poor on condition that what they say backs up our own pre-conceived arguments.”

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