Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Roberto dei Mattei no more teaches at the Universita Europea, Roma (Exclusive)

Image result for photo of Roberto dei Mattei
Prof.Roberto De Mattei no more teaches at the Universita Europea, Rome this was confirmed today at this Legion of Christ University.I personally went to the  university to meet him and was informed that he does not continue to teach there.
Today morning there was an interview of  Roberto de Mattei on Gloria TV in which he supported the dubbia of the four cardinals. He said that there was confusion in the Catholic Church and Pope Francis was  responsible.He referred to 'a religious civil war' within the Church.
It may be mentioned that this eminent Italian historian was suspended by Radio Maria Italy.
Mattei's Correspondenza Romano has still not reported on the issue.
-Lionel Andrades

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