Tuesday, September 27, 2016

No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church? -Catholic Answers video : common mistake


I mentioned in a previous post that 'The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a letter and a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis entitled, “With Burning Concern: We Accuse Pope Francis” and have seen the subjectivism in Amoris Laetitia  but not the subjectivism in their interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and Vatican Council II.
Nor have they seen the subjectivity  of the two popes in salvation theology.
Presently every priest has to accept this subjectivism in salvation theology to be incardinated ; to be accepted by the Vatican. This point was omitted in the Liber.
Even the Traditional Latin Mass today is modernist,Pope Francis only permits this Mass, with  subjectivism in salvation theology.The old ecclesiology is omitted.
It is obligatory for all Catholics to interpret the baptism of desire(BOD) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) without the baptism of water, as being not subjective but objective, seen in the flesh in 2016.'

This is the mistake also made by Catholic Answers in the video above.It is assumed that the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846) refers to some explicit case in the present times (2016).So Catholic Answers cannot say every one with no exception; no known exception, needs to be incorporated into the Church as a member.
Since there are no practical exceptions.
There cannot be practical exceptions to the centuries-old interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
In the previous post I mentioned :- 
'This subjectivism which is the foundation of the Rahner-Ratzinger New Theology is being taught this semester at all Catholic universities and seminaries. Even Fr. Matthias Gaudron, of the SSPX in Germany, who was critical of the subjectivism in Amoris Laetitia, does not oppose this subjectivism in the interpretation of the new salvation theology.
The irrationality is  taught by Fr. Jean Marie Gleize at the SSPX seminary in Econe,Switzerland.It is the same at other SSPX seminaries.Yet Chris Ferrara often says that the SSPX is not teaching anything new.The SSPX is allegedly not saying anything new?!
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre approved this error and did not know it was responsible for the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition in Vatican Council II.
Without this subjectivism in the Rahner-Ratzinger new theology Vatican Council II can be interpreted as not being a break with Quanta Cura.The Council is not a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors.The Council is Feeneyite ( theology which says there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus) and traditional.'

Even Catholic Answers is not aware that without this subjectivism, the Catechism of the Catholic Church can be interpreted in harmony with 'the rigorist interpretation' of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
The blog post stated :
'So the Liber does not tell Pope Francis that Vatican Council II can  be interpreted without his wrongly assuming we can subjectively discern a BOD case in 2016.
'It does not say that we can re- nterpret LG 16, LG 8, etc  as not by being explicit and personally known, since they can only be personally known to God and not to us humans.
Vatican Council II will then be in harmony with the  dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the 16th century missionaries  and not according  to Pope Benedict XVI.Since there are no 'practical exceptions', (a phrase used by Chris Ferrara) with reference to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

For Catholic Answers the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation is in harmony with Pope Benedict and Pope Francis since there are alleged exceptions. It is a rupture with the 16th century missionaries who did not claim there are exceptions.Catholic Answers could not tell the Protestant that he was on the way to Hell.Since for Catholic Answers there are known exceptions. Without the subjectivism error, of Catholic Answers, the Protestant who called in could have been directly told that he was on the way to Hell, unless he formally converted into the Catholic Church.
The blog post states:
'Ferrara is saying that there are no 'practical exceptions' to the Feeneyite interpretation of EENS. However he is still not saying that there are no practical exceptions  in Vatican Council II to the Feeneyite interpretation of EENS.The Liber does not mention this.This is a very important point which he left out.'
The Liber also does not mention that Catholic Answers and so many Catholic organisations and apologists are confused on this issue. Explaining salvation in the Catholic Church has become complicated because of the political priorities which hide the truth.
The post stated:
It may be said that the issue of Fr.Leonard Feeney is of the past, an injustice was done to him for being faithful to the teachings of the Church.However the Liber does not say that the Fr. Leonard Feeney case determines how Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II today.He assumes there are practical exceptions in Vatican Council II to the dogma EENS as interpreted by Fr.Leonard Feeney.So theologically he de-rails Vatican Council II with the past, with the popes and saints on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
For me there are no practical exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II.
So the two popes are wrong and so are the SSPX bishops.'

Even Catholic Answers is wrong. 
This is an important issue since the canonical requirement for the SSPX is that they accept Vatican Council II with 'practical exceptions'.They need to point out this error to the Vatican.Vatican Council II can be acceopted also as having not practical exceptions to the old ecclesiology. There are no practical exceptions to EENS in Vatican Council II(Feeneyite). The ecclesiology is traditional without the Rahner-Ratzinger theology.
They need to point out the error to Catholic Answers.
The regularisation of the Franciscans of the Immaculate also depends on their accepting the Rahner-Ratzinger new doctrines on salvation,based on 'practical exceptions' to EENS.Pope Francis   was not asked to correct his error.
They are also using the Rahner-Ratzinger New Theology as is Catholic Answers above.
Vatican Council II with this error, is the reason for the sedevacantists ( MHFM etc) being sedevacantists during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II.They do not know that the baptism of desire refers to imaginary cases and so never were relevant to EENS.This is a mistake of the Vatican Curia too.It was important for the liber to have clarified this point.The problem again is subjectivism in salvation theology.
Catholics Answers criticizes the sedevacantists and Radical Traditionalists but all of them use the new theology based on irrational subjectivism.
-Lionel Andrades

Is Salvation Possible for Non-Catholics? : Trent Horn at Catholic Answers assumes Lumen Gentium 16 is not a hypothetical case but refers to someone personally known


In a previous post I had mentioned that :
'Heresy is not believing in the teachings  of the Catholic Church, which are obligatory.However  heresy results also when we assume hypothetical cases are personally known in the present times,example the baptism of desire.
Since by mixing up what is imaginary as being objective there results a different belief.There is a new doctrine a different conclusion.With a new premise a new conclusion is created.
The result is non traditional and heretical.In this case the heresy is not intentional and may also be unknown.'
Trent Horn, the Apologist at Catholic Answers in the video above also assumes that Lumen Gentium 16 is not a hypothetical case but that it refers to someone personally known.
In the blog post I mentioned:
'The Baltimore Catechism(1891) brought heresy into the Church with the subtle reference to the hypothetical catechumen being explicit like the baptism of water.Catholics have accepted the baptism of desire of an unknown catechumen as being a concrete case,presently visible.This was inferred by the magisterium at that time. They referred to the new baptism, the baptism of desire, as a Sacrament like the baptism of water.This was even though it could not be seen or administered like the baptism of water.
Q. 653. Is Baptism of desire or of blood sufficient to produce the effects of Baptism of water?
A. Baptism of desire or of blood is sufficient to produce the effects of the Baptism of water, if it is impossible to receive the Baptism of water.
 (How did they know? Who saw or met someone saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church?
They assume these are objective cases. They mix up what is invisible as being visible, hypothetical as being objectively seen)

Q. 654. How do we know that the baptism of desire or of blood will save us when it is impossible to receive the baptism of water?
A. We know that baptism of desire or of blood will save us when it is impossible to receive the baptism of water, from Holy Scripture, which teaches that love of God and perfect contrition can secure the remission of sins ; and also that Our Lord promises salvation to those who lay down their life for His sake or for His teaching.
(Yes, theoretically, hypothetically, as a possibility known only to God.So why is it mentioned here with reference to all needing the baptism of water with no exceptions?
It is mentioned here since it is inferred that the baptism of desire refers to a known case.)

Catholic Answers has also assumed that the baptism of desire refers to an exception to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
The blog post says:

Then in 1949  it was stated clearly that there were exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known over the centuries.
That is why for a person to obtain his salvation, it is not always required that he be de facto incorporated into the Church as a member'. -Letter of the Holy Office 1949
So again over Church history the  invisible was considered visible.
The Church had always taught that every one needs to enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell. Every one.So the native American in 1000 A.D was oriented to the fires of Hell.
However with the New Theology based on the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 the Native American would be an exception since he was in ignorance.
1.Being saved in invincible ignorance refers to known cases, personally known exceptions to the dogma EENS.
2.Also a case of invincible ignorance in 1000 A.D is an exception to the dogma EENS in 2016!
This is the reasoning of Catholic Answers above. They are trying to adapt the dogma EENS to the Rahner-Ratzinger new theology approved by the Left.
The blog post states:
'Subjectivism was brought into salvation theology.It is similar to the subjectivism in moral theology.It is there in the work of Fr.Charles Curran and can be read also in Pope Francis' Amoris Laeitia.
'Subjectivism in moral theology is being able to judge an exception to objective mortal sin( as if one can read the soul)  and in salvation theology it is being able to see an explicit baptism of desire case,which is an exception to the dogmaextra ecclesiam nulla salus. The  dogma EENS suggests that it is  always required that a person be  de facto incorporated into the Church as a member for salvation.'
If 'someone did not have a chance to know Jesus and was saved' it would only be known to Jesus.A possibility cannot be subjectively known to us human beings.
Catholic Answers is here teaching a new doctrine on salvation, based on the objective error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.The error was carried over into Vatican Council II.
I would affirm the dogma EENS first.Then point out that there are no exceptions.There cannot be any known exception.So if there are no known exceptions to the dogma 'the man in the forest' or 'the native American in 1000 A.D' is not relevant or an exception to the dogma EENS.It is simple this way. Explaining Catholic salvation does not become complicated.
The post stated:
Without the Baltimore Catechism error, the Jesuits and the Archbishop of Boston Cardinal Cushing were in heresy and not Fr. Leonard Feeney.Now all the Catholic Encyclopedias irrationally assume Fr.Leonard Feeney was in heresy.
The Vatican Council Fathers also accepted that hypothetical cases are objectively known. So they mention the baptism of desire etc which are zero cases in our reality.None of them knew of any person saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance without the baptism of water. Yet they mentioned these 'exceptions'(AG 7, LG 14). This error is all over Vatican Council II and it should be enough for any one to reject the Council if they wanted to.
Catholic Answers is not aware of this error. The Principle of Non Contradiction is violated with the theology.The new theology is based on hypothetical cases being practically known and then becoming practical exceptions to the traditional interpretion of the dogma EENS.
I have mentioned in the previous blog post that the  Letter of the Holy Office 1949 has heresy and upon this heresy so much of Vatican Council II is based.Also Bishop Fellay's understanding and interpretation of Vatican Council II is heretical.There is a choice. We can interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational premise and conclusion.
Catholic Answers is not aware, like Ralph Martin who is recommended, that we can interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II without the irrational premise and conclusion.
The apologists use the irrational premise and conclusion in their theology.
The blog post stated:
So much of Vatican Council II is based upon an irrational reasoning.This is the heretical reasoning used by Bishop Fellay and no one from the SSPX has been able to deny it over the years.
The laws of nature, like the laws of reasoning, apply to all I  mentioned in a previous post.The laws of gravity apply to the two popes and all the cardinals and so does the Principle of Non Contradiction.Bishop Fellay like the Vatican Curia violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.
The laws of reasoning also apply to the apologists at Catholic Answers. Here we see them violated.
-Lionel Andrades

Is Catholic teaching on salvation too complicated? : Catholic Answers violates the Principle of Non Contradiction


The following web page is recommended by Catholic Answers on this video above.
Salvation Outside the Church

However this webpage is also based on the Rahner-Ratzinger New Theology. It violates the Principle of Non Contraduction.It contradicts the Church Fathers on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It would suggest that LG 16 refers to a known case of salvation outside the Church. So there is known salvation outside the Church and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, defined by three Church Councils would now be meaningless.
It does not mention that LG 16 could be interpreted as being hypothetical and referring to imaginary cases.So then it would not conflict with the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
According to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma all Protestants are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church.
Ad Gentes 7 in Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism. Protestants do not have Catholic faith, which includes the Sacraments and the faith and moral teachings of the Church.
-Lionel Andrades

Pakistan: Muslims rape and murder Christian boy, police register death as natural and not suspicious


“The brutal nature of the crimes inflicted on Christians in Pakistan is the product of their vulnerability and the warped minds that breed in the nation. The levels of rape, sodomy and murder in Pakistan are reaching unprecedented levels. Christians and other minorities are a natural target as they are disenfranchised by the country’s laws and statutes, which confer second-class citizenship upon them.”
Indeed. And why are Christians second-class in Pakistan? Because it’s commanded in the Qur’an (9:29).
“Faisalabad: Christian teenager murdered after being sodomized!,” by Wilson Chowdhry, British Pakistani Christian Association, September 16, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
A 14-year-old Christian boy was murdered and his dead body was left hanging in a tree in a place called Gosh Nagar, Faisalabad.
Zeeshan Masih had been visiting his uncle’s cattle farm at Shreejan Wala Dhera and gone out to buy a soft drink on the 23rd of August 2016, but never returned home. He was later found hanging dead from the branch of tree only a short distance from where his uncle’s buffaloes would go out to graze.
Despite medical evidence that Zeeshan had been sexually molested and some witnesses implicating two unknown Muslim men, local Police initially registered Zeeshan’s death as natural and not suspicious.
The Deputy Superintendent of Sadar Police constabulary, Saleem Warraich has stated that Zeeshan died of a heart attack, which he claims was induced by drinking a soft drink after eating fruit. The crass statement was made during a press conference with national media groups including Duniya News and Express News.
BPCA obtained a copy of the post-mortem examination. The part highlighted in yellow describes a dilated anus and other tell tale signs of sodomy. There is a belief that local Government Ministers and Police are in cahoots with a paedophile ring. Our officer met with the family and the local community and uncovered this more sinister plot. We now know that other children are complaining about sexual abuse and it is believed that Zeeshan was killed for threatening to tell his parents.
Despite forensic evidence and a few witnesses local police has made little progress towards resolving the case. After pressure from the BPCA, local church Christ Assemblies International and Bishop Farhad Bhatti of Pakistan Christian Post, the local police authority agreed to register a First Incident Report (FIR)….
Kanwal Amar Lead reporter for the British Pakistani Christian Association, said:
“This family are deeply traumatised. They have lost a son to an extremely heinous crime and the chance for them to get justice is limited. The manner in which police officers have attempted to camouflage this crime has hurt and angered them. They are calling for an independent inquiry into the handling of their son’s death.”
Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the BPCA, said:
“The brutal nature of the crimes inflicted on Christians in Pakistan is the product of their vulnerability and the warped minds that breed in the nation. The levels of rape, sodomy and murder in Pakistan are reaching unprecedented levels. Christians and other minorities are a natural target as they are disenfranchised by the country’s laws and statutes, which confer second-class citizenship upon them. In the main Christians are poor, illiterate and hold a pariah status culminating in an ineffectual response from statutory authorities when help is needed, who deem them worthless. No amount of laws can ever change a deeply entrenched community mindset that believes Christians are anathema – so crimes like this will continue and justice will fail time after time.”

Ethiopia: “Her clothes were covered with blood…Her husband was shouting that she should die for forsaking Islam”


“They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.” (Qur’an 4:89)
A hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him” (Bukhari 9.84.57). The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law according to all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence.
This is still the position of all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, both Sunni and Shi’ite. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the most renowned and prominent Muslim cleric in the world, has stated: “The Muslim jurists are unanimous that apostates must be punished, yet they differ as to determining the kind of punishment to be inflicted upon them. The majority of them, including the four main schools of jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali) as well as the other four schools of jurisprudence (the four Shiite schools of Az-Zaidiyyah, Al-Ithna-‘ashriyyah, Al-Ja’fariyyah, and Az-Zaheriyyah) agree that apostates must be executed.”
Qaradawi also once famously said: “If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment, Islam wouldn’t exist today.”
“Muslim in Ethiopia Attacks Wife for Leaving Islam,” Morning Star News, September 21, 2016:
NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A woman in Ethiopia had been a Christian for six weeks when her husband found out and beat her for leaving Islam, sources said.
Habiba Ibrahim, a 34-year-old mother of three in Bokulu Boma, Ethiopia, received hospital treatment for three days after the assault earlier this month by her husband, Ibrahim Dido, the sources said. She had put her faith in Christ on Aug. 2 in Bokulu Boma, about 50 kilometers (31 miles) from the Moyale on the border between Ethiopia and Kenya.
Dido’s anger flared after Sept. 10 morning prayers at a nearby mosque, where he had confirmed rumors that his wife had left Islam, and he began striking her with tree branches, Ibrahim told Morning Star News.
“He locked me in the house and began beating me with sticks, and immediately neighbors arrived and rescued me from my husband’s wrath,” she said.
A neighbor who helped rescue her said Ibrahim’s clothes were covered with blood from a deep cut on her forehead.
“Her husband was shouting, saying that she should die for forsaking Islam,” the neighbor said.
Area residents rushed Ibrahim to a clinic in Bokulu Boma, and she was discharged after three days. Besides the gash on her head, she had bruises on her left hand and elbow.
Ibrahim had placed her faith in Christ after an evangelist spoke with her about saving faith in Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection. Their conversations were part of an evangelistic movement in northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia, begun 10 years ago, in the Burji language spoken by people living on both sides of the Moyale area.
After trusting in Christ, Ibrahim began stepping back from Islamic ritual, she said.
“My husband began questioning me on my laxity in Islamic activities, which I did not respond to,” Ibrahim said.
A week before the attack, a woman from the church with which Ibrahim had connected visited her, saying, “Take care for your life, because the Muslims have discovered that you have converted to Christianity,” a source said….

Pakistan: Muslim mob beats Christians with metal rods, calls them “ritually impure”


“O you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are unclean…” (Qur’an 9:28).
Muslim spokesmen often accuse Christians of polytheism because of their worship of Jesus as the Son of God.
“The Jews say, ‘Ezra is the son of Allah’; and the Christians say, ‘The Messiah is the son of Allah.’ That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?” (Qur’an 9:30)
“Pakistani Christians Attacked by Drunk Muslim Mob Using Metal Rods as Weapons,” by Samuel Smith, Christian Post, September 21, 2016:
A drunken Muslim mob in Pakistan stormed the homes of Christians and beat men, women and children because they deemed the Christian residents to be “ritually impure.”
As the systematic persecution of Christians in Pakistan continues to increase across the country and the situation shows no signs of improvement, the London-based charity British Pakistani Christian Association reports that a small group of Muslim men in the Faisalabad district physically beat at least seven Christians in the town of Samundri last Friday.
The inebriated men were reportedly being loud and obnoxious as they walked down the residential streets of Samundri. After a Christian woman asked them to quiet down and told them they were disturbing the peace in the neighborhood, they were enraged by “the audacity of ‘ritually impure’ Christians making demands on them,” BPCA reports.
The drunk Muslim men gathered up at least a dozen of their friends and grabbed sticks, metal rods and other assorted weapons and returned to attack the Christian residents.
Upon returning to the neighborhood, the mob stormed the Christians’ homes and indiscriminately beat them without regard for whether they were attacking men, women or children, according to BPCA.
Not only did the Muslim mob physically and verbally assault Christians, they also insulted Jesus Christ, even though He is also a prophet in the Quran.
Seven victims were injured in the attack, five of whom had to go to the hospital to receive treatment for their injuries.
Among those injured are 48-year-old Arif Masih, 40-year-old Parveen Akhtar, 42-year-old Akram Masih, 50-year-old Jamaal Masih, 35-year-old Sharifaan Bibi, 34-year-old Shahzad Masih and 35-year-old Zahid Masih.
“I had returned from work and we were enjoying some rest as we waited for our food to be prepared. A group of drunk Muslims came and were shouting loudly and saying lewd things to any young girls that were passing,” Arif Masih told BPCA officer Kanwal Amar, who visited with the victims in the hospital and at their homes to provide counseling and support.
“My wife asked them to leave the area as they were disturbing locals and they started shouting obscenities at us, but left shortly after,” Masih continued. “About and hour later they returned with a gang of around 15 people and started beating us with sticks and poles. They said all Christians should be killed. They said we were evil demons and made Pakistan impure. I thought I and my family would be killed. It was very frightening.”
When Amar first arrived, he noticed that no report had been filed by police in response to the incident even though there were eyewitness accounts and visible injuries as evidence. Amar later visited the police station in Samundri with a couple local village leaders to urge police to seek justice for the abused Christians….

Italy deports Muslima who “expressed hostility towards Shiites, West, Jews, and unbelievers”


What a mystery! Where on earth could this woman have learned to have hostility for Shia (whom Sunnis often term “Rafidite dogs,” i.e., rejectors of the first three caliphs), Jews (whom Qur’an 5:82 says are the worst enemies of the Muslims), and unbelievers (whom Qur’an 98:6 calls “the most vile of created beings”)? This poor woman has been hoodwinked into misunderstanding Islam? Pope Francis should go see her before she is deported and explain the true Islam to her!
++ Migranti: Alfano, Ue rischia un fallimento generale ++
“Pro-ISIS Moroccan woman deported,” ANSA, September 23, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
(ANSA) – Rome, September 23 – Italy has deported a Moroccan woman who declared herself in favor of the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group, Interior Minister Angelino Alfano said Friday. The 44-year-old lived in the city of Perugia and “displayed clear signs of religious radicalization, declared herself in favor of ISIS and published content on her Facebook profile that caused it to be shut down,” Alfano said. “She expressed marked hostility towards Shiite Muslims, Western countries, Jews, and unbelievers,” the minister explained.
The woman also commented on a Facebook post that said: “Believers who emigrate and conduct jihad in God’s name can expect God’s blessing, and I hope to be among them”.
“Amen, I hope so too,” the deportee, who was flown from Rome’s Fiumicino Airport to the Moroccan city of Casablanca earlier in the day, commented on Facebook….

Sweden: Police admit losing control of 55 no-go zones


This is the beginning of an Islamic state in Scandinavia.
“Swedish Police Admit Losing Control Of 55 No-Go Zones,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, September 24, 2016:
Police in Sweden continue to lose control of more suburbs in major Swedish cities as they have now admitted that there are more than 55 no-go areas where they have major problems enforcing the law.
According to a new report, crime rates are rising sharply in the no-go areas with police unable to react to crimes. Cases of thefts, sexual assaults, and gang violence are rising and Sweden’s top police authority notes the significant increase of migration in the past year and the number of crimes committed have seen a parallel rise, reports Kronen Zeitung
One case was highlighted to show how the police are having a tough time solving crimes. Earlier this year multiple cars were set on fire by organized migrant gangs in the multicultural border town of Malmo, sitting at the Danish frontier and the first place of arrival for thousands of newcomers who come to Sweden by foot, car, and train. Police say that although over 70 cars were burned over multiple days, they’ve only been able to catch one suspect.
Sweden has become so violent and unstable in these areas that even migrants from war-torn countries like Somalia are considering returning to their own countries. One migrant who fled Somalia 20 years ago said simply that Sweden was a “war zone.”
There have been many suggestions as to how to deal with the increase in crime and the no-go areas. Police have said that increased funding and better wages will attract more officers to the job but some have even more radical ideas.
Incoming World Bank economic chief Paul Romer has said the best way to accommodate migrants is to purposely leave them to their own area in which police would simply not operate. Romer suggested an area the size of Hong Kong for the migrants to be allowed to live under their own rules outside of Swedish society.
And now the first Islamic state in Scandinavia is even being called for by a significant authority.

Jordan: Murderer of Christian charged with insulting Islam was Muslim cleric


“The gunman was arrested at the scene has been identified as Riyad Ismail Abdullah, a 49-year-old imam who recently returned from making the Hajj pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.”
How did an imam, someone who has dedicated his life to understanding Islam properly, get the idea that he should murder people who are perceived as insulting Islam? Could what our leaders tell us about how Islam is entirely peaceful be false? Could such an injunction really be part of the religion?
More on this story. “Imam kills Christian writer charged over anti-Islam cartoon,” by Ajomole Helen, Naij.com, September 25, 2016:
Jordanian writer, Nahed Hattar was shot dead by a suspected Islamist gunman today Sunday, September 25th, outside the courtroom where he was due to stand trial for insulting Islam by sharing a cartoon on Facebook.
Hattar was arrested in August for sharing a cartoon on Facebook showing a bearded man in heaven smoking, lying in bed with women and calling on God to bring him wine and cashew. He captioned the cartoon which he deleted shortly after posting it:
“It mocks terrorists and their concept of God and heaven. It does not infringe God’s divinity in anyway”
Mr Hattar said the cartoon was intended to mock jihadists and their twisted interpretation of Islam but Jordan’s government charged him with insulting the faith and “provoking sectarian rifts”. The writer rejected the charges and planned to fight the case.
“I am mocking the terrorists and their conception of hell and heaven,” Mr Hattar wrote shortly before his death. “I’m not insulting the supreme Allah, at all, on the contrary, I’m against the type of God that the terrorists worship
The gunman was arrested at the scene has been identified as Riyad Ismail Abdullah, a 49-year-old imam who recently returned from making the Hajj pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.
Mr Hattar’s family immediately blamed Jordan’s government for failing to protect the writer, saying the decision to publicly charge him with offending Islam had made him a target for Muslim extremists.
“We hold the Ministry of Interior responsible,” said Jamal Attar, a cousin. “This is the first assassination in Jordan that targets a person over nothing but his opinion, for freedom of speech. The prime minister was the first one who incited against Nahed when he ordered his arrest and put him on trial for sharing the cartoon.” the victim’s cousin Saad Hattar said….

There are no 'practical exceptions' in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors.

The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a letter and a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis entitled, “With Burning Concern: We Accuse Pope Francis” and have seen the subjectivism in Amoris Laetitia  but not the subjectivism in their interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and Vatican Council II.
Nor have they seen the subjectivity  of the two popes in salvation theology.
Presently every priest has to accept this subjectivism in salvation theology to be incardinated ; to be accepted by the Vatican. This point was omitted in the Liber.
Even the Traditional Latin Mass today is modernist,Pope Francis only permits this Mass, with  subjectivism in salvation theology.The old ecclesiology is omitted.
It is obligatory for all Catholics to interpret the baptism of desire(BOD) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) without the baptism of water, as being not subjective but objective, seen in the flesh in 2016.
This subjectivism which is the foundation of the Rahner-Ratzinger New Theology is being taught this semester at all Catholic universities and seminaries. Even Fr. Matthias Gaudron, of the SSPX in Germany, who was critical of the subjectivism in Amoris Laetitia, does not oppose this subjectivism in the interpretation of the new salvation theology.
The irrationality is  taught by Fr. Jean Marie Gleize at the SSPX seminary in Econe,Switzerland.It is the same at other SSPX seminaries.Yet Chris Ferrara often says that the SSPX is not teaching anything new.The SSPX is allegedly not saying anything new?!
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre approved this error and did not know it was responsible for the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition in Vatican Council II.
Without this subjectivism in the Rahner-Ratzinger new theology Vatican Council II can be interpreted as not being a break with Quanta Cura.The Council is not a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors.The Council is Feeneyite ( theology which says there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus) and traditional.
So the Liber does not tell Pope Francis that Vatican Council II can  be interpreted without his wrongly assuming we can subjectively discern a BOD case in 2016.
It does not say that we can re- nterpret LG 16, LG 8, etc  as not by being explicit and personally known, since they can only be personally known to God and not to us humans.
Vatican Council II will then be in harmony with the  dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the 16th century missionaries  and not according  to Pope Benedict XVI.Since there are no 'practical exceptions', (a phrase used by Chris Ferrara) with reference to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Ferrara is saying that there are no 'practical exceptions' to the Feeneyite interpretation of EENS. However he is still not saying that there are no practical exceptions  in Vatican Council II to the Feeneyite interpretation of EENS.The Liber does not mention this.This is a very important point which he left out.
It may be said that the issue of Fr.Leonard Feeney is of the past, an injustice was done to him for being faithful to the teachings of the Church.However the Liber does not say that the Fr. Leonard Feeney case determines how Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II today.He assumes there are practical exceptions in Vatican Council II to the dogma EENS as interpreted by Fr.Leonard Feeney.So theologically he de-rails Vatican Council II with the past, with the popes and saints on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
For me there are no practical exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II.
So the two popes are wrong and so are the SSPX bishops.
This is an important issue since the canonical requirement for the SSPX is that they accept Vatican Council II with 'practical exceptions'.They need to point out this error to the Vatican.Vatican Council II can be acceopted also as having not practical exceptions to the old ecclesiology. There are no practical exceptions to EENS in Vatican Council II(Feeneyite). The ecclesiology is traditional without the Rahner-Ratzinger theology.

The regularisation of the Franciscans of the Immaculate also depends on their accepting the Rahner-Ratzinger new doctrines on salvation, based on 'practical exceptions' to EENS.Pope Francis   was not asked to correct his error.

Vatican Council II with this error, is the reason for the sedevacantists ( MHFM etc) being sedevacantists during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II.They do not know that the baptism of desire refers to imaginary cases and so never were relevant to EENS.This is a mistake of the Vatican Curia too.It was important for the liber to have clarified this point.The problem again is subjectivism in salvation theology.
-Lionel Andrades