Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Novus Ordo Mass can be offered with the old ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass of the 16th century, that is, if the priest wanted to do so.

Shocking indeed. I hope that many people will finally abandon the novus ordo rite, and go to the Latin Mass.
The Novus Ordo Mass can be offered with the old ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass of the 16th century, that is, if the priest wanted to do so. He would also then have to express this in his homilies and interpretation of Scripture.
However he would be suspended by the Vatican.

By attending Latin mass you will be formed in the same way the saints were formed in.
Not likely.The saints affirmed the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Pope Benedict has sad that the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is no more like it was in the 16th century. It is not more like it was for the saints.
The Latin Mass is being offered by priests who say that the baptism of desire refers to known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is irrational and non traditional. Yet it is with this theology that the Latin Mass is offered all over the world. There has been an innovation. Heresy is the official norm.

The problem of the ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass still lies with Vatican Council II.

There is a mistake in Vatican Council II and once the error is identified and avoided, the interpretation of the Council radically changes.There is no 'spirit of Vatican Council II ' excuse anymore.

There is a mistake in Vatican Council II and once the error is identified and avoided, the interpretation of the Council radically changes.There is no 'spirit of Vatican Council II ' excuse anymore. Now it is posible to interpret Vatican Council II with an irrationality, and most people are doing it, and then they refer to the 'spirit of Vatican Council II'.
We have a mistake in Vatican Council II. It should not have been there.
It was approved by the cardinals because of the confusion at that time of the Fr.Leonard Feeney issue. The 1949 Letter of the Holy Office was kept hidden by the Archdiocese of Boston and made public three years later.It does not have the signature of important Roman officials. The second part of the Letter could have been tampered with by the Archdiocese of Boston. It contradicts the first part of the Letter.It also does this with an irrational premise.
The same irrational premise and conclusion of the Letter 1949 was approved by Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits at Vatican Council II.The same people were involved!
It was Cardinal Richard Cushing and the American Jesuits who had Fr. Leonard Feeney penalised for affirming the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salusas it was interpreted over the centuries.

The Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston has heresy when it states that not every one needs to be incorporated into the Church as a member for salvation.
This was approved by ecclesiastical masonry and then in principle applied at Vatican Council II.
So Lumen Gentium 16 says this:
Whosoever, therefore, knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by Christ, would refuse to enter or to remain in it, could not be saved.-Lumen Gentium 14 (emphasis added) 1

1.Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits first assumed that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance excluded the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
2.Then they also assumed that it referred to visible and personally known cases on earth.
3.Then they inferred that it was an exception to the centuries old interpretation of the dogma extraecclesiam nulla salus.
So based on this irrational premise and conclusion Lumen Gentium 14 says only those who know about the Catholic Church and its necessity for salvation and who are not in invincible ignorance, which refers to explicit cases without the baptism of water, need to enter the Church to avoid Hell. Not every one in general as the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus was interpreted over the centuries, needed to enter the Catholic Church as members, for them.
So now that we have identified the error in Vatican Council II (LG 16) we just assume that Lumen Gentium 16 refers to a hypothetical case.It does not refer to someone personally known in 2016 for example.
So it is not an exception to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
It does not contradict St. Francis Xavier and the 16th century missionaries interpretation of outside the Church there is no salvation.
-Lionel Andrades
November 30, 2016
Roberto de Mattei and the sensus fidei

Persecuted Middle East bishops banned from visiting UK

German student Maria Ladenburger was raped, murdered by Muslim Migrant


18-Year-Old Student Stabbed to Death by Burka-Clad Muslima

Police stand by a distraught woman at the scene where a Tacoma Police officer was shot while responding to a domestic call in East Tacoma, November 30, 2016.   (AP photo/ The News Tribune, Peter Haley)


Finland: Politician fined for criticizing Islam


“Kiemunki requested a police investigation to quell claims that a blog post she wrote claiming that all Muslims are terrorists was racist. However police pressed charges and a Tampere court found her guilty of the offence.”
But she doesn’t seem to have actually claimed that all Muslims were terrorists, but only to have criticized Islam: “The court found her guilty of slandering and insulting adherents of the Islamic faith. Her lawyers denied the charge and have appealed the court’s decision. During the trial, Kiemunki was asked why she did not make a distinction between Islam and radical Islam. She replied that she meant to refer to the spread of Islamic culture and religion, and that she ‘probably should have’ spoken of radicalised elements of the religion instead of the faith as a whole….The Finns party politician added that her essay did not generalise about Muslims but pointed out that not all Muslims are terrorists.”
Apparently it is now a criminal act in Finland to hold any negative opinion about the Islamic belief system. And so the darkness continues to descend upon Europe.
Finns Party politician convicted of incitement, will appeal verdict,” YLE, December 1, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
Finns Party politician Terhi Kiemunki has been found guilty of agitation against an ethnic group and sentenced to pay a 450-euro fine. Kiemunki requested a police investigation to quell claims that a blog post she wrote claiming that all Muslims are terrorists was racist. However police pressed charges and a Tampere court found her guilty of the offence.
On Thursday, the Pirkanmaa District Court found Tampere Finns Party politician Terhi Kiemunki of agitation against an ethnic group. Kiemunki was charged with the crime over a blog post in the online publication Uusi Suomi, in which she claimed that all of the terrorists in Europe are Muslims.
The court found her guilty of slandering and insulting adherents of the Islamic faith. Her lawyers denied the charge and have appealed the court’s decision.
During the trial, Kiemunki was asked why she did not make a distinction between Islam and radical Islam. She replied that she meant to refer to the spread of Islamic culture and religion, and that she “probably should have” spoken of radicalised elements of the religion instead of the faith as a whole.
The Court found that Kiemunki’s writings and her court testimony had the same tone, and that when she wrote of a “repressive, intolerant and violent religion and culture” Kiemunki meant the Islamic faith. As a result the court concluded that the nature of the Tampere Finns Party politician’s blog generalised to refer to all Muslims.
It went on to say that the content of Kiemunki’s post was defamatory and offensive to people who claimed Islam as their faith. The court ruling concluded that the writings could therefore be regarded as liable to cause contempt and hatred towards Muslims.
The court slapped Kiemunki with a 30-day fine equivalent to 450 euros. According to the court what was more relevant than the magnitude of possible fallout from the blog post, was that the act was seen to fulfill the criteria for a punishable offence.
The case was also seen as test of what kind of language can be used before crossing the threshold of what is permissible.
Following a public backlash against the post, Kiemunki herself had called on police to investigate the case and to determine whether or not she had committed an offence. At the time, she also raised eyebrows – and temperatures – following a Facebook post in which she derided Muslim children who were participating in a Finnish Easter tradition.
Following the sentencing, Kiemunki issued a release in which she charged that public pressure was behind the verdict. She said that she planned to take the matter to the appeal court.
“I am still of the view that declaring statistical facts or even sharing an opinion is not a crime if someone doesn’t like it,” she wrote.
She said that the Uusi Suomi blog wasn’t consciously intended to slander or offend anyone and that it did not target any specific individuals.
“I wrote that I don’t want our country to be overtaken by a culture and law based on a violent, intolerant and oppressive religion.”
The Finns party politician added that her essay did not generalise about Muslims but pointed out that not all Muslims are terrorists.
“In these times, specifically in the recent past and today, all of the perpetrators of terrorist acts have turned out to be Muslim,” she argued….

Italy: Muslim migrant arrested for sexual assault of eight-year-old boy playing outside his house


In Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Islamic world, this kind of behavior is broadly tolerated. Women are so devalued, men look to other men and boys for sexual pleasure. Also, the Qur’an promises not just virgins to the blessed, but boys like “scattered pearls”:
“Those are the ones brought near in the Gardens of Pleasure, a company of the former peoples and a few of the later peoples, on thrones woven, reclining on them, facing each other. There will circulate among them young boys made eternal with vessels, pitchers and a cup from a flowing spring.” — Qur’an 56:11-18
“And they will be given to drink a cup whose mixture is of ginger, a fountain within Paradise named Salsabeel. There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them scattered pearls. And when you look there, you will see pleasure and great dominion.” — Qur’an 76:17-20
Combine all that with the idea that non-Muslims exist for the pleasure of Muslims, and you get this: a telling incident from the wonderful new multicultural Italy.
Germany refugees welcome
Somali migrant arrested over ‘sexual assault’ of little boy playing outside house,” by Alix Culbertson, Express, November 17, 2016:
A SOMALI migrant has been arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a little boy playing outside his house.
The 20-year-old asylum seeker was accused of molesting the eight-year-old child in the courtyard of the boy’s home in Fiano Romano, a few kilometres from Rome, Italy.
Police said the little boy told them he was playing with a friend at about 6pm when the man approached them and touched him inappropriately.
The man ran off after the assault.
Both children then ran inside to see their mothers and told them what happened and the victim’s mother went straight to the police station.
Police sent out search parties across Fiano Romano and managed to find the Somali man later that evening based on the description the child provided.
They arrested him and locked him up in a jail in Rieti where he was charged with aggravated sexual assault.
Police confirmed he was staying in a refugee centre waiting for authorities to evaluate his request for recognition for international protection.
His immigration status is now under review by the prosecutor….

Obama Justice Dept. sues NJ township for rejecting mosque


People have legitimate concerns about mosques going up in their neighborhood. Four separate studies since 1999 all found that 80% of U.S. mosques were teaching jihad, Islamic supremacism, and hatred and contempt for Jews and Christians. There are no countervailing studies that challenge these results. In 1998, Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, a Sufi leader, visited 114 mosques in the United States. Then he gave testimony before a State Department Open Forum in January 1999, and asserted that 80% of American mosques taught the “extremist ideology.” Then there was the Center for Religious Freedom’s 2005 study, and the Mapping Sharia Project’s 2008 study. Each independently showed that upwards of 80% of mosques in America were preaching hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity ultimately to impose Islamic rule.
In the summer of 2011 came another study showing that only 19% of mosques in U.S. don’t teach jihad violence and/or Islamic supremacism. Specifically: “A random survey of 100 representative mosques in the U.S. was conducted to measure the correlation between Sharia adherence and dogma calling for violence against non-believers. Of the 100 mosques surveyed, 51% had texts on site rated as severely advocating violence; 30% had texts rated as moderately advocating violence; and 19% had no violent texts at all. Mosques that presented as Sharia adherent were more likely to feature violence-positive texts on site than were their non-Sharia-adherent counterparts. In 84.5% of the mosques, the imam recommended studying violence-positive texts. The leadership at Sharia-adherent mosques was more likely to recommend that a worshiper study violence-positive texts than leadership at non-Sharia-adherent mosques. Fifty-eight percent of the mosques invited guest imams known to promote violent jihad. The leadership of mosques that featured violence-positive literature was more likely to invite guest imams who were known to promote violent jihad than was the leadership of mosques that did not feature violence-positive literature on mosque premises.” That means that around 1,700 mosques in the U.S. are preaching hatred of infidels and justifying violence against them.
But none of this is allowed to be a consideration when a mosque is proposed for a particular area. It must be assumed by all parties that the mosque will be entirely benign and peaceful, and no different from a synagogue or church. So community leaders try to find other ways to keep mosques out — only to find themselves facing the full weight of Barack Obama’s Justice Department. And then it becomes a matter of having one’s career ruined and life destroyed, or approving the mosque.
Justice Dept. sues NJ township for rejecting mosque,” by Kelly Cohen, Washington Examiner, November 22, 2016:
The Justice Department announced on Tuesday it is suing Bernards Township, N.J., because it denied zoning approval for the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge to build a mosque on land it owns.
The township in December unanimously voted down the Islamic Society’s application to build a mosque, which the Justice Department says violates the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act.
In the complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, the department said the denial was discriminatory based on the Islamic Society’s members’ religion. The denial imposed a substantial burden on the Islamic Society’s religious exercise, according to the complaint, it said.
The complaint also alleged that the township violated the law “by amending its zoning ordinance in a manner that imposes unreasonable limitations on all religious assemblies.”
According to Justice Department officials, the land where the Islamic Society wanted to build the mosque is located in a zone that permitted construction of places of worship as a matter of right at the time of the zoning request.
“As alleged in the complaint, Bernards Township has treated the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge differently than other houses of worship,” said U.S. Attorney for New Jersey Paul Fishman in a statement. “RLUIPA ensures that municipalities must treat religious land use applications like any other land use application. But here, township officials kept moving the goalposts by using ever-changing local requirements to effectively deny this religious community the same access as other faiths.”…

Nigeria: Muslims carry out coordinated attacks on Christians in 5 villages, murdering 45


Will the Islamophobia never end?
Muslim mob Nigeria
“‘Ethnic cleansing’ attacks by Muslim clan on Christians leaves 45 dead and scores injured,” by Rehema Figueiredo, Express, November 23, 2016:
A SERIES of chilling attacks on by Muslims on Christians in Nigeria has left 45 people dead and others fighting for their lives amidst an increasing Islamic crackdown in the country.
The co-ordinated attacks were executed in five villages across the central belt of the West African nation – an area mostly populated by Christians.
The Muslim Hausa-Fulani herdsmen responsible for the latest wave of killings have already taken over 16 villages – stealing grazing land from Christian communities.
Most of the victims in the latest atrocities were women, children and elderly people, who could not escape the gunfire of the attackers.
More than 120 buildings, including eight churches, were also razed to the ground.
Samuel Adamu, who was in one of the villages that came under attack, said: “They laid siege to the village before they started shooting sporadically and throwing explosives at our homes.
“They were armed with guns, knives, machetes and explosives.
“They slaughtered [and] butchered women, children and old people who could not escape.”
The local government condemned the “barbaric” attacks but the chairman of a local group of evangelical churches, Rev. Zachariah Gado, said the attackers were escaping justice.
He said: “There have been increasing indications of the existence of a desperate, well-funded, organised and executed campaign not only to make life unbearable for the entire southern Kaduna territory through threats, intimidation and psychological warfare, but also to occupy the land through what can only be described as ethno-religious cleansing by Fulani herdsmen militia.”…

Pakistan: 5 Muslims sentenced to death for murdering Christian couple


A Pakistani anti-terror court has sentenced five people to death over the killing of a Christian couple who were lynched and burned in a kiln after being falsely accused of blasphemy.
This sentencing represents good news in a country where abusive and easily manipulated blasphemy laws have been long criticized as tools for a witch hunt against Christians. Christians are often set up and falsely accused, sometimes simply for getting into a dispute with a Muslim co-worker or neighbor who decides out of revenge to lie about them blaspheming Islam or Muhammad.
The only Christian in Pakistan’s cabinet, Shahbaz Bhatti, who was openly critical of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws and sought reforms, was murdered by assassins who “left leaflets signed ‘Taliban al-Qaida'”, five years ago. Outspoken Pakistani Governor Salman Taseer was also assassinated by his own guard for efforts to implement reforms in Pakistan.
Recently in Pakistan, 150 Muslim clerics demanded death for Asia Bibi, a Christian woman accused of blasphemy who has been living under brutal conditions in jail since 2009.
Shama Bibi Sajjad Maseeh74
Five sentenced to death in Pakistan for lynching and burning Christian couple in a kiln”, Independent UK, November 23, 2016:
A Pakistani anti-terror court has sentenced five people to death over the killing of a Christian couple who were lynched and burned in a kiln after being falsely accused of blasphemy.
The deaths of Shahzad Masih and Shama Bibi caused outrage in Pakistan and saw other Christian families living near their home in Punjab flee the area in fear.
The illiterate couple had been falsely accused of tossing out pages of the Quran along with the rubbish, desecrating the Muslim holy book.
Blasphemy is legally punishable by death in the deeply conservative Muslim country, where even unproven accusations can stir violence.
Critics say the laws are abused to wage personal vendettas, often against Christians.
Witnesses described how an angry mob of hundreds of people set upon the couple near the town of Kot Radha Kishan in Punjab in 2014, attacking them and then throwing their bodies into a brick kiln.
It is unclear whether they were still alive when tossed into the kiln.
Riaz Anjum, the lawyer representing the couple’s family, said a total of 103 people had been charged in the case. But the court in the eastern city of Lahore had acquitted 90, including the owner of the brick kiln.
He had been accused of locking the couple up as they tried to flee for fear they would default on their debt to him.
Apart from the five sentenced to hang, eight others were given two years’ imprisonment.
“The five people awarded the death sentence were involved in dragging, beating and burning the couple while the other eight played a supportive role according to the judgement,” Anjum said.
Senior prosecutor Khurram Khan confirmed the ruling.
Police have traditionally been reluctant to clamp down on mob violence for fear of enraging Islamists, a fact not lost upon the relatives of the deceased….

Netherlands: Authorities thwart Amsterdam mosque members plot for jihad massacre at synagogue


“Because of the large influence of the Left and extreme Left in the Netherlands, the problem is not taken seriously enough. They don’t want to acknowledge the problems that come from immigration and ‘multiculturalism,’ and call issues raised about safety ‘Islamophobia.'”
Islamist plot to attack Amsterdam Synagogue uncovered,” by Gary Willig, Israel National News, November 25, 2016:
A plot by a Islamic terrorist cell to attack a synagogue in Amsterdam was foiled by Dutch intelligence authorities, according to a report by the Dutch daily, De Telegraaf.
An individual of Moroccan descent was identified as a member of the cell planning to carry out the terrorist attacks. He and other individuals associated with the Arrayan Mosque in northern Amsterdam are suspected by the TFI of involvement in Islamist radicalization and jihad-related activities.
Awi Cohen, a board member of Likud Netherlands, told the Algemeiner that the plot is the latest evidence of the “very unsafe environment for Jews” in the Netherlands.
“Because of the large influence of the Left and extreme Left in the Netherlands, the problem [of Islamist terror] is not taken seriously enough,” Cohen said. “They don’t want to acknowledge the problems that come from immigration and ‘multiculturalism,’ and call issues raised about safety ‘Islamophobia.'” Cohen told the Algemeiner.
The Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands Rabbi Binyamin Jacobs told Arutz Sheva several years ago that Jews should simply leave the country as they have no future there.

Germany: Muslim migrants committing numerous rapes and assaults of women in and around refugee centers


In and around Stuttgart alone there were 105 rapes, assaults and robberies of women and 77 against children in the refugee centres, but the local government admits that the number of unreported cases is “significantly larger”.
This should be a cause for grave concern to all Westerners, as to the kinds of men we continue to let swarm into our nations: men who even move beyond the refugee centers to continue their assaults on Western women.
Part of the problem is the inability of men to accept the freedom accorded to their wives, daughters and siblings in the west.

180 rapes, assaults and robberies against women and children in just ONE German city”, by Allan Hall, UK Express, November 25, 2016:

In and around Stuttgart alone there were 105 rapes, assaults and robberies of women and 77 against children in the refugee centres, but the local government admits that the number of unreported cases is “significantly larger”.
In the state of Saxony-Anhalt there are no figures available but 20 female shelters have now opened their doors to provide a refuge for battered women and children.
The distressing news about refugee women in Germany comes as the world demonstrates in the UN’s ‘International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women’.
Those affected in Germany come from countries such as Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a survey of the German press agency.
There, they were beaten, oppressed, or passed to other men.
Part of the problem is the inability of men to accept the freedom accorded to their wives, daughters and siblings in the west.
In the lands where they come from, women are often regarded as property to be used an abused at will and the culture shock of females showing independence for the first time often leads to violence.
Only recently a Syrian man was jailed for life for attempted murder after throwing his three small children from the first floor window of his asylum accommodation because he was angry at the “independence” his wife had displayed since arriving in Germany.
“Employees in asylum shelters are increasingly asking for a safe place for women and children,” said Sylvia Haller, a spokesman for an autonomous shelter network in Baden-Württemberg.
In the university city of Heidelberg, 50 women and 58 children had to flee to a women’s shelter last year from violent husbands or aggressive in-laws.
But more than 135 women and 155 children had to be turned away because there was simply no room for them.
Yadav, a Stuttgart-based counselling centre for young women in danger in forced marriages or “violence in the name of honour”, says the number of cases will rise in the coming years.
The soaring incidents of sexual abuse of women and children in German refugee camps forced Angela Merkel’s government to pledge over £160 million to combat it in April this year.
In the town of Giessen near Frankfurt 15 women in one camp filed complaints to local police of rape and other forms of sexual abuse.
The Ministry for Families, Seniors, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) will now provide money for the scheme which aims to give better protection to the vulnerable, including the remodelling of migrant centres to give more privacy to females and minors.
Police have for long told of a rising trend of abuse, including rapes, but in the highly-charged political atmosphere that surrounds the whole refugee issue in Germany the problem has largely remained unaddressed.
Municipal authorities will be able to get the money from central government in the form of in zero-interest loans.
“Unfortunately we know that children and women in the camps are not safe from abuse and sexual assault. That’s why we have to make sure that they’re protected,” said junior minister Ralf Kleindiek.
“Not only measures regarding staff, but also structural measures have to be implemented such as lockable accommodation units and separate sanitary facilities.
“For the children and adolescents we also need designated rooms to enable play and learning.”
Fuelling the rise in sexual assaults is alcohol.
Many Muslim men are exposed to alcoholic drinks for the first time in their lives, leading to booze binges that end in mayhem.
A clampdown on this has started with a ban on all alcohol being brought into any migrant shelter anywhere in the country.
Part of the scheme to clamp down on sex abuse involves working with experts from Unicef to train staff in how to deal with the problem at more than 100 centres.
Around £3 million of the total amount available will be spent on constructing specialist centres to provide counselling for survivors of rape and torture.
The government has also formed a working group in a bid to solve the problem of child 
Hundreds, if not thousands, of those who streamed into Germany in the past 18 months have child brides……

German priest says Christian children “ruthlessly” bullied by Muslim migrants


In one case, a Christian boy was so grievously bullied by Muslim classmates at a school for integration that he had to change schools. He said the Muslim children were “disrespectful” of Christians and that they even “hated” Christians who had come from the Middle East.Not only are Christian children being “ruthlessly bullied,” but so are Christian adults:Across Germany, there have been reports of Christian abuse in asylum centres by Muslims with the Christian charity Open Doors alleging there are thousands of victimsof violence and harassment.
The Assyrian International News Agency also reported that back in Syria, Muslims are blocking the way for Christians to escape to refuge in America. Christians are afraid to go to UN refugee camps because Muslims are beating them up and threatening them with beheading, or “Muslims actually pose as refugees for the purpose of kidnapping young girls in the camps so that they can be used in sex slave rings.”
The issue of screening out barbarians gets little to no mainstream media attention (nor public discussion); virtually everyone is afraid of being branded “racist” or labelled unkind and unwilling to lend a helping hand to the needy. Instead, we fling open the doors and welcome unscreened criminals to the West, who victimize innocents while Islamic supremacist organizations pretend that Muslims are the ones being victimized by “Islamophobia” — a word that Islamic supremacists have been shouting and using to manipulate people long before the migrant crisis.
Christian refugee children
Christian refugee children
“Priest: Muslim Migrants Ruthlessly Bully Christian Kids”, by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, November 29, 2016:
A priest in the German city of Leipzig who works with underage migrants has revealed that Muslim migrant children constantly bully their Christian counterparts.
58-year-old Catholic priest Andreas Knapp stated that the majority of migrant youths he supports in his study club are Muslim but reports that the Christian minority is being actively persecuted by Muslim children, reports German radio broadcaster Deutschlandradio Kultur.
In one case, a Christian boy was so grievously bullied by Muslim classmates at a school for integration that he had to change schools.  He said the Muslim children were “disrespectful” of Christians and that they even “hated” Christians who had come from the Middle East.
In another similar case, a 13-year-old boy told Father Knapp about his experiences with Muslim children at a migrant camp in Saxony.
“There were a lot of children who were all Muslims, and I was the only Christian. When I would go to them and say, ‘ Let’s play football’, they said, ‘No, you’re a Christian!’ Then they insulted me because I eat pork,” the boy said, adding that he was often threatened by the Muslim children……
Across Germany, there have been reports of Christian abuse in asylum centres by Muslims with the Christian charity Open Doors alleging there are thousands of victimsof violence and harassment. Many have suggested separate asylum accommodations for Christians, with new converts from Islam being particularly vulnerable to violent attacks.
Even when making the journey from the Middle East or North Africa, Christian migrants are often not safe. Reports have shown that Christians have been targetted on smugglers’ boats, beaten, robbed, and drowned by Muslim simply because they were praying while on the same boat.

Why are Catholics afraid of professing the Faith in all its glory? asks Church Militant TV : The Download

Image result for photo of The Download CMTV Michael Voris

Why are Catholics afraid of professing the Faith in all its glory?

A protestant-inspired catechetical program is sweeping parishes across the nation — and is doing more harm than good. Alpha for Catholics is a well-intentioned initiative to bring Catholics back to the Faith by focusing on a "personal relationship with Jesus Christ" — but it approaches that "personal relationship" from the erroneous idea that such a relationship can be had apart from the Church and Her sacraments — a thoroughly Protestant, non-Catholic idea. Read the ALPHA FAQ.

Why are Catholics afraid of professing the Faith in all its glory?

Church Militant TV sets a bad example.
Image result for photo of The Download CMTV Michael Voris
They do not profess the Faith by saying there are no known cases of the baptism of desire in our reality for it to be an exception or relevant to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is something obvious.It is common sense. We cannot see or meet people on earth saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
Image result for photo of The Download CMTV Michael Voris
But if CMTV says this it would mean that there are no exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and so the Holy Office 1949 and Pope Pius XII were wrong and Fr. Leonard Feeney and the St.Benedict Center,traditionalists, were correct.
Image result for photo of The Download CMTV Michael Voris
Abraham  Foxman and the ADL will come down on the Archdiocese of Detroit.They will demand Michael Voris recant or be declared,once again, a non Catholic media.The Archbishop once before asked Michael Voris not to use the word 'Catholic'.So Real Catholic TV has become Church Militant TV.
Image result for photo of The Download CMTV Michael Voris
Michael Voris could respond by saying that he is not denying the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance. He only accepts them as being hypothetical and known only to God.They are definitely not 'practical exceptions' to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is something obvious.Even a young boy could confirm that we cannot see or meet people in Heaven who are there with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water.People in Heaven are not seen on earth.
Image result for photo of The Download CMTV Michael Voris
The Secretary to the Archbishop will still demand on social media that Michael Voris publically affirm that there are known cases of the baptism of desire in 2016.He has to say that the Emperor is wearing clothes.
The Archdiocese Secretary who approves of the Alpha program, will say that there are known and explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was interpreted by St.Francis Xavier and the 16th century missionaries.Dr.Robert Fastiggi and Dr.Mark Latkovic among others at the Theology Faculty of the Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit are saying just this. They agree with Archdioces Curia.
Image result for photo of The Download CMTV Michael Voris
Michael Voris would consider this ridiculous. How can he claim like the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 that hypothetical cases are not hypothetical but objective ? How can he claim that these allegedly objective cases are exceptions to all needing to be incorporated into the Catholic Church as members? How could he as an adult and Catholic say something so ridiculous?
Image result for photo of The Download CMTV Michael Voris
The Archbishop of Detroit and the Jewish Left will once again remind Michael Voris to say that the baptism of desire case is visible and not invisible.
He will refuse to do so.It's easy for him to rebel.
They will then warn him to profess  what is ridiculous and not part of the deposit of the faith. He could be willing to say as a compromise, that he accepts the baptism of desire as a theoretical posibility known to God and then too, it could be followed by the baptism of water, if God wills it.
Image result for photo of The Download CMTV Michael Voris
CMTV will get a notice from a  lawyer representing a Jewish Left organisation, ADL, ACLU etc.
Michael Voris will find himself in the same position as those U.S bishops who do not want to deny the Faith,but now they are 'afraid of professing the Faith in all its glory.'
These bishops are just like Michael Voris.
Too bad this is a story does not have a happy and heroic ending.It is in the tragedy-genre.
Today Michael Voris and the Download panel affirm visible for- us- baptism of desire.It is a 'visible' exception to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So they agree with Pope Benedict who in the interview with Avvenire said extra ecclesiam nulla salus is no more like it was for the 16th century missionaries. There is a development he said  with Vatican Council II.
For the CMTV panel too there is 'a development' with Vatican Council II. Being saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16) and the famous case of the  unknown catechumen who sought the baptism of water before he died ( LG 14) - refer to visible and not invisible cases. So this is a development in the Church. Upon this development is based the new theology which CMTV accepts.
Image result for photo of The Download CMTV Michael Voris
So CMTV too, like Pope Benedict and Abraham Foxman and the Archbishop of Detroit, interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Vatican Council II has the hermeneutic of rupture with  the Syllabus of Errors and Tradition in general, which is largely based on the dogma EENS with its exclusivist ecclesiology.
This is their tragic story.
It is not the case for me.
I affirm invisible for us baptism of desire and so it is easy to affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the 16th century missionaries.
So with invisible and hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire etc there are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the Feeneyite interpretation of EENS.
For me Vatican Council II can only profess, in its text, an ecumenism of return.
Image result for photo of outside the church there is absolutely no salvation
Since there is no known salvation outside the Church there cannot be an Anonymous Christian theology.
Since there is no known salvation outside the Church, all political and social laws must have as its centre Jesus Christ as known in the Catholic Church, the only Church He founded, outside of which there is no salvation.This is important to save souls.
Catholics are the new people of God, the new Chosen People (Nostra Aetate 4).-Lionel Andrades

AUGUST 1, 2013

Fr.Chad Ripperger and FSSP priests not permitted by the Vatican ( and the Left) to affirm the traditional teaching on salvation