Thursday, January 26, 2017

It amounts to 'Catholic divorce' and Mitis alone will destroy and is presently destroying the sanctity of the Sacrament of Matrimony - Anon

Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus: On the Reform of Canonical Processes for the Declaration of Nullity of Marriage, in the Code of Canon Law 
by Anonymous
Release Date: 24-1-17
Gog and Bergoglio are winning. They are destroying the Church because they have successfully used the tactic of diversion--a form of trickery--to get their way. While the devil will lose in the end, we may not live to see that  day. We must, therefore, concentrate more on fitting ourselves for Heaven.
On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of 2015, the Pope claimed that Mitis Iudex Dominus became law.1 It did not become law because anti-Christian ordinances have no force at law. But that's another issue. This new instrument, which was enacted before Amoris  Lætitia was published, ensures an enormous broadening of annulments  even by American standards and then applies this new standard to  the entire Church. It's true that different bishops' conferences can  control how broadly it be applied. Over time, however, the broadest  standards will become the commonest.
Mitis makes it much easier to get an annulment even in the U.S.A., where there are countless thousands of them granted even now. 
Even worse, there is a clause of limitlessness in the document, allowing  the local bishops to add causes for annulment without restriction. 
As a result of this new ordinance, there will be very few annulments  refused in the future. It will be hard to find anyone anywhere who did not get the annulment he or she applied for. It amounts to 'Catholic  divorce' and Mitis alone will destroy and is presently destroying the  sanctity of the Sacrament of Matrimony. Henry VIII jumps for joy down in Hell.
If there no longer are adulterers out there who simulated civil marriages,
 there will no longer be much of a debate about which among them
 can be 'accompanied' by the local pagan priest to the Sacrament
 of the Eucharist. No need: got my annulment in hand. Up I come
to Communion.
The entire purpose of Amoris Lætitia, therefore, is to divert the people
from what is really being done. It's easy to trick journalists because
 they are, almost to a man, drooling brain-dead imbeciles. Bergoglio
 can 'trick' the prelates because they want to be tricked. Müller hardly
said a peep aboutMitis Iudex Dominus. Nor did any of the others.
They pretend that it was never issued. Burke, who knows more than
almost anyone what Mitis says, has said nary a word about it. (He
 did protest it but then quietly let it go.) Remember that Burke, as
 Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, worked hard totighten the granting
of annulments. Benedict XVI, on two occasions (2005 and 2012),
 tried to return the annulment standards to those of the 1950s.
  Of course, he was ignored by his own curia.
Image result for Photo of Christopher Ferrara 
Only Christopher Ferrara realised the full meaning of Mitis Iudex Dominus. At the moment, that document is being implemented very quietly in dioceses all over the world. It's a fait accompli by  now.
Catholic Marriage means nothing in NewChurch. And NewChurch  is not atholic. It is a Protestant sect which most closely resembles  the United Church of Canada (United Church of Christ in the U.S.A.).
 Only God and our Lady can save us. Remember that the devil was the brightest and the strongest of the angels. Next to him, we are dust. But next to God, he is dust.-Anon
 Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus: On the Reform of Canonical Processes for the Declaration of Nullity of Marriage, in the Code of Canon Law

Photos from

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