Sunday, January 8, 2017

Michael Voris concedes that he has double standards on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II.

Michael Voris once again concedes that he has double standards on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II.He remains politically correct with the Left on this issue and is promoting heresy since it is magisterial.He also wants the SSPX to enter the Church with the same irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II since it is supported by the present magisterium.He does not deny that they have double standards on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II.1
He will not criticize Pope Benedict XVI for saying extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) is no more like it was in the 16th century meaning there is a break with Tradition. He will also support Pope Benedict XVI when he stated that EENS is no more like it was for the 16th century missionaries since there was a development with Vatican Council II. He meant that there was a development since a false premise was used to create a non traditional interpretation of the Council.At Church Militant TV they also use the same false premise.
Michael Voris will not interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational premise.Since then it would mean Vatican Council II supports the Feeneyite interpretation of EENS.This traditional interpretation of EENS is unacceptable to the Archbishop of Detroit, the ADL and the rest of the Jewish Left - and of course the two popes and the Vatican Curia. So Michael Voris and the CMTV staff will maintain the deception with the new irrational theology based on a philosophical error which has created new salvation doctrines.
He has not commented on the last blog post mentioning this issue. Also over the last few years he has not commented on so many posts on this blog on this issue in particular, specifying CMTV.
The CMTV point of view seems, 'It's heresy.But so what? It's also magisterial and this is important'.
Today is the feast of the baptism of Our Lord.For the CMTV Download team not every one needs the baptism of water in the Catholic Church in January 2017.There are exceptions to Jesus' teaching in John 3:5 ( all need the baptism of water for salvation) and Mark 16:16 ( those who do not believe will be condemned).Sometime back the CMTV Download panel did a program on the Theological Virtue of Faith.I mentioned these points in a post on this blog and there was no comment from CMTV.The latest Download program is on the safe subject of Purgatory.

If there can be one known exception there can be many.If there can be many then there could be postulated that most people are saved this way.So Bishop Barron and the liberals say....
Since there are practical exceptions to the dogma EENS for the Download panel, in principle, there are practical exceptions to the dogma EENS also for Bishop Barron.So if there could be one known exception there could also be millions.Jesus said the way to Hell is wide and most people enter it. This is contradicted with the new theology of known salvation outside the Church.
This is a double standard on EENS and Vatican Council II based on falsely assuming invisible cases are visible. Then the conclusion is a rejection of Jesus' teaching on the necessity of the baptism of water in the Catholic Church for all.
Today the magisterial heresy, supported by CMTV, and it will be repeated in homilies all over the world during Holy Mass.
-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 7, 2017
Church Militant - Serving Catholics

Michael Voris -double standards on extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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