Monday, January 2, 2017

The New York Times has interpreted Vatican Council II with the common philosophical mistake and no one in the Catholic Church objects- not even Michael Voris and Church Militant TV

Image result for photo magisterial heresyThe New York Times has interpreted Vatican Council II with the common philosophical mistake and no one in the Catholic Church objects- not even Michael Voris and Church Militiant TV 1
This is because the present magisterium has made the same error.The magisterium is teaching relativism and heresy with reference to Vatican Council II.So it condones this leftist interpretation of  the Council .
The two popes will not say that Vatican Council II is in harmony with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as it was known to the 16th century missionaries.Instead they will assume that hypothetical cases are objective exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is also the position of the traditionalists and sedevacantists and CMTV.LG 16 is not a hypothetical case but a 'practical exception' to the dogma EENS.
Many in the Church cannot object since it is the magisterium which is enforcing relativism, indifference and heresy.Those who oppose this heresy would be penalised by the liberal, left magisterium at the Vatican.2
-Lionel Andrades
Contrary to the Second Vatican Council’s endorsement of interreligious dialogue, Mr. Voris views Islam as “entirely different” from Christianity and portrays Judaism in outdated terminology that experts in Catholic-Jewish relations consider anti-Semitic. (The Trump campaign was accused at times of indulging in and even disseminating anti-Jewish rhetoric and imagery.)- Samuel G.Freedman
‘Church Militant’ Theology Is Put to New, and Politicized, Use

The New York Times interprets Vatican Council II with the common

 philosophical mistake


January 1, 2017

The present magisterium is teaching relativism and has an air of indifferentism when informed.Even Cardinal Burke is keeping quiet about this

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