Thursday, February 23, 2017

Could Pope Benedict trigger a schism from the Left ?

Featured ImageLast March Pope Benedict in public rejected the SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012  when in the Avvenire interview  he said that extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) is no more like it was for the 16th century missionaries.I mentioned this in a blog post yesterday on the feast of the Chair of St. Peter.

Next month, March 2017, what if Pope Benedict affirms Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) instead of Vatican Council II (Cushingite) ? Would there be a schism from the Left?

Gloria TV has reported that Cardinal Kurt Koch has claimed in L'Osservatore Romano that the doctrinal condemnations expressed by the Council of Trent against the Protestants  "have no more value today."

For the USCCB, German and English bishops among others there is salvation outside the Church.Pope Benedict instead with Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) would say that there is no known salvation outside the Church.

Image result for Photo Cardinal Koch and Cardinal KasperImage result for Photo Cardinal Koch and Cardinal KasperImage result for Photo Cardinal Koch and Cardinal Kasper

For Cardinal Koch and Cardinal Kasper the Lutherans are saved in their religion and do not need to convert. Reports say that they may be given the Eucharist. When Pope Benedict would be affirm Vatican Council II(Feeneyite)  he would not contradict the old ecclesiocentrism. It indicates Luther and all Protestants are on the way to Hell unless they become members of the Catholic Church. They are outside the Church.

Image result for Feast of St.Chair of Peter at Vatican Feb 22. PhotosBy choosing to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism, the theology of the Council changes and it is no more 'a development of the dogma' EENS, with a false premise.Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) supports EENS as it was known to the magisterium in the 16th century.

Since Pope Benedict knows that ' the Faith loses its foundation' and 'any motivation for a future missionary commitment was removed' with EENS(Cushingite) and Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) what if he admits next month that he was wrong all along? Or what if someone else does it.

If he affirms the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance with Feeneyism, instead of Cushingism, he will contradict two important  theological papers of the International Theological Commmision.They are  'Cristianity and the World Religions' and 'The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without Baptism'.They are both based on the Cushingite theology which he made magisterial.

Image result for Photo of Pope Francis with JewsImage result for Photo of Pope Francis with Jews

Would  Pope Francis agree to interpret Judaism and Islam with the old ecclesiocentrism of the Church? Unlikely.

And yet this would be a doctrinal issue.

I affirm Vatican Council II and EENS ( Feeneyite) and so I express it  pastorally in real life.

Would they be willing to doctrinally affirm Vatican Council II and EENS ( Feeneyite) and express it pastorally? Unlikely.

How could cardinals and bishops in general accept false doctrine based on an irrational premise which creates the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc) ? They would choose to be honest and Catholic.

Image result for Feast of St.Chair of Peter at Vatican Feb 22. Photos

I mentioned in the blog post yesterday :

No one is telling Pope Francis and Pope Benedict to interpret Vatican Council II rationally.Don't mix up what is invisible as being visible and then make up wrong conclusions upon this wrong premise.
No one in the SSPX is asking Pope Benedict to affirm Catholic doctrine and interpret Vatican Council II and EENS rationally and without an irrational premise.Ecclesia Dei has obviously doctrinally rejected the SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012 while they keep parroting the lie about doctrine. They say that 'doctrine has not been changed'.
At  issue is doctrine.-Lionel Andrades

Pope Benedict has negated the SSPX doctrinal position in the General Chapter Statement and still does not affirm EENS ( Feeneyite) : Chair of St.Peter error
An Untruth: Cardinal Kurt Koch has claimed in L'Osservatore Romano that the doctrinal condemnations expressed by the Council of Trent against the Protestants - quote - "have no more value today." wants to add that the texts of the Council of Trent are infallible and that there is no indication that the Protestants have accepted them otherwise they would now be Catholics.

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