Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Germany: Berlin truck jihad mass murderer’s mosque to be shut down


Is there any reason why it should stay open? Should any mosque that preaches violence against unbelievers stay open?
Mosque where Berlin Christmas market murderer Anis Amri prayed to be SHUT DOWN,” by Rebecca Flood, Express, January 25, 2017 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
THE mosque where Berlin Christmas market mass murderer Anis Amri worshipped is to be shut down after it emerged he and other Islamic fundamentalists regularly prayed there.
Some 12 people died and more than 50 were injured when the Tunisian ploughed a 20 tonne truck into crowds at the festive market.
Just hours before the massacre on December 19, Amri was captured on CCTV entering the mosque in the Moabit neighbourhood in Germany’s capital.
And another clip emerged of the 24-year-old there five days before the atrocity.
German Interior Secretary of Berlin, Torsten Akmann, confirmed the committee on internal affairs of the Berlin Parliament was under “high pressure” to shut down the mosque….
The move follows a raid on the mosque last week by a special deployment commando of the Berlin police, where they arrested another Islamic fundamentalist.
The 24-year-old was detained after allegedly beating up his younger brother for listening to “Western” music.

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