Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Militia Christi and Human Life International members and spiritual directors need to set an example in coherence : against euthanasia but for Cushingism

Image result for photos of Militia Christi
The Militia Christi,the Catholic politico-socio organization in Italy needs to change their false theology.They use it  to interpret Vatican Council II.They also use it to change Catholic doctrine.Here they are like the liberals and Masons.
They oppose Euthanasia but support the new theology, Cushingism.It changes Church doctrine on exclusive salvation, mission, ecclesiology, the Eucharist, ecumenism, inter-relogious dialogue, inter-faith marriage and mortal sin and adultery,the Social Reign of Christ the King,non separation of Church and State...
Image result for photos of Militia ChristiImage result for photos of Militia Christi
So they would  correctly expect Catholics to oppose euthanasia  and avoid abortion, while they themselves would violate  faith teachings of the Catholic Church.
I affirm Catholic doctrine with Feeneyism, this is the traditional theology of the Church which does not assume  invisible cases are visible in the present times.This is a fale premise which I avoid and they use.
Image result for photos of Militia ChristiImage result for photos of Militia Christi
So I affirm the 'strict' interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).I affirm Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) which says all Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims need ' faith and baptism' for salvation and there are no known exceptions in LG 16, LG 8,UR 3, NA 2 etc.
Image result for photos of Militia ChristiImage result for photos of Militia Christi
This is not the Vatican Council II and EENS affirmed by the Militia Christi. Nor was it proclaimed by their former Spiritual Director, Mons. Ignacio Barreiro. Nor is it proclaimed by the FSSP priests who offer the Latin Mass for them on Sunday mornings.
Image result for photos Mons.Ignacio BarreiroImage result for photos Mons.Ignacio Barreiro
Mons. Barreiro, the former  Director of the Human Life International office in Rome has been substituted  by the Fr. Francesco Giordano, at the HLI office.
He  also interprets Vatican Council II and EENS with the new theology, Cushingism. So the Council for him and HLI priests emerges as a rupture with the dogma EENS( Feeneyite).
Fr.Joseph Kramer FSSP, Rome, Mons.Barreiro and Fr.Giordano who all offer the Latin Mass would not support Feeneyism.Since they want to protect their 'careers' and the opportunity to offer the Latin Mass after Summorum Pontificum.They will support the ignorance and lies - to stay comfortable, to stay a priest.
Even if they knew the truth they would choose to assume invisible cases are visible . Then EENS, Vatican Council II, the baptism of desire, being saved in invincible ignorance etc are all Cushingite.
Image result for photos of Militia ChristiImage result for photos of Militia Christi
With this  this irrationality of hypothetical cases  being not hypothetical they interpret Catholic doctrine and then they create a rupture with the old ecclesiology associated with the Traditional Latin Mass.This is politically acceptable to the Left and they keep their incardination in Rome as priests.
Image result for photos For.Francesco GiordanoImage result for photos Fr.Joseph Kramer FSSP
 Fr. Giordano teaches salvation theology and ecclesiology based on Cushingism, at the university of St. Thomas Aquinas( Angelicum), Rome.He would teach this same error at the Philosophical Seminary of the Franciscans of the Immaculate at Boccea, Rome when Fr. Settimo Mannelli F.I, was the Rector. This was before Pope Francis closed down the seminary since he said it was 'ideological'.
Fr.Giordano  too, like Militia Christi, would expect Catholics to oppose euthanasia and abortion but for prudent reasons, will not affirm the traditional faith on EENS,Vatican Council II, Baptism of desire or invincible ignorance etc.
A pro abortion activist could ask him why does he tell Catholic mothers to follow Church teaching while he rejects the traditional ecclesiocentrism theology, when he assumes what is hypothetical is explicit for us human beings in 2017. So he will prudently, in a worldly sense, infer that there are known people in Heaven saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church, who are exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS.This is fantasy theology but it is magisterial and politically correct with the Left.
He actually specialized on this lie and deception and got his academic degrees and now persists in the error.
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Image result for photos  Human Life International priestsRelated image
The Human Life International and  Militia Christi  need to affirm Vatican Council II and  EENS without  Cushingism and with Feeneyism,and set an example of coherence.-Lionel Andrades

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