Sunday, February 5, 2017

Restrictions placed on Fr.Stefano Manelli f.i : Announcement on Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) needed from Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate

A decree issued by the Congregation for Religious with the consent of the Pope requires Father Stefano Maria Manelli, superior of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, not to communicate with the media, nor appear in public; not to participate in any initiative or meetings of any kind; and above all "to return, within the limit of 15 days from delivery of this decree, the economic assets managed by civil associations and any other sum that is at his disposal to the full availability of the individual institutes", that is, to donate to the Congregation for Religious assets of which, as was confirmed by the Court of Review of Avellino, Father Manelli does not have, because they belong to associations legally recognized by the Italian State...

What's more, Abp. Ramon C. Arguelles, Archbishop of Lipa in the Philippines, came to know of his resignation from a statement by the Vatican press office.
The reasons for the decision is ignored but one can figure it out: Abp. Arguelles has canonically recognized an association that gathered a group of ex-seminarians of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, who left the religious institute after the intervention in order to study and prepare for the priesthood in full freedom and independence. That however is a sin and one that is considered unforgivable.

'We reject the interpretation of Vatican Council II (Cushingite) by the two  popes and Cardinal Braz de Avez  since references to invisible cases in the Council text, cannot be visible exceptions to the dogma EENS(Feeneyite) which says all need to be incorporated into the Church as members for salvation.
'So we affirm Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) , the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Feeneyite) and the dogma EENS( Council of Florence 1441). We affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) as it was known to St. Francis Xavier and St. Ignatius of Loyola and the 16th century missionaries and to the Church Fathers.This is explained in detail on the blog Eucharist and Mission (Lionel's blog).
'We call upon all Catholic religious  to reject this  lie and deception(invisible cases are visible exceptions to EENS) and affirm Vatican Council II without absurd and strange inferences like invisible people being visible, which the present magisterium promotes in a hermeneutic of rupture with the past magisterium'.

'Noi Suore Francescane dell'Immacolata affermano Concilio Vaticano II (Feeneyite), in quali casi ipotetici (LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, ecc) non sono visibili e conosciuti nel 2017 per essere rilevante o eccezioni al dogma nulla extra ecclesiam salus (Feeneyite).'Noi rifiutiamo l'interpretazione del Concilio Vaticano II (Cushingite) dai due papi e Cardinale Braz de Avez da riferimenti a casi invisibili nel testo del Concilio , non può essere visibili eccezioni al dogma EEES (Feeneyite), che dice tutti bisogno di essere incorporati nella Chiesa Cattolica  come membri per la salvezza.'Così affermiamo il Concilio Vaticano II (Feeneyite), il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica (Feeneyite) e il dogma EEENS(Concilio di Firenze 1441). Affermiamo extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) come era noto a San Francesco Saverio e S. Ignazio di Loyola e i missionari della 16 ° secolo e alla Padri della Chiesa .Questo  è spiegato in dettaglio sul blog Eucaristia e Missione (Eucharist and Mission)il blog di Lionel Andrades.'Chiediamo a tutti i religiosi cattolici rifiutare questa menzogna e l'inganno (casi invisibili sono visibili eccezioni a EENS) e affermare il Concilio Vaticano II, senza deduzioni assurde e strane come persone invisibili essere visibile, che l'attuale magistero promuove in una ermeneutica della rottura con il magistero di passato '.

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