Tuesday, February 7, 2017

So who put up the posters and why?

We do not know if they were conservatives who put out those posters against Pope Francis.Today morning I saw a new one.It was partially covered by the municipal admonition on illegal posters.
If permission was sought before the posters were put up it would not be given. Posters cannot be put  up showing abortion as it is. Posters cannot be put up saying homosexuality is a mortal sin and it is caused by impure spirits.Posters cannot be put up saying outside the Church there is no salvation. Posters cannot be put up questioning the Holocaust figure or  the work of the Synagogue of Satan in Italy.
However posters can be put up attacking the Catholic Church and ridiculing its teachings.So could the recent posters be put up by the Communists, Freemasons and other enemies of the Church ?
What is interesting is that the Rome Municipality acted fast.Here was  the photo of Pope Francis a supporter of the Left, the Communists and the Freemasons.
They did come swiftly to defend him.Would it have been the same with other popes?
We know that the Leftist media has been criticizing the Franciscans of the Immaculate and their founder Fr. Stefano Mannelli.The media works for Satan.The posters defended the Franciscans.
The media has also been supporting birth control and abortion and so their position on the Knights of Malta issue was that of Pope Francis' too.
So whoever  really put up those posters have got away with too.The posters were still being  placed in Rome yesterday and the day before.It has been a big operation.
Is there going to be some attack on Catholic conservatives by the secular authorities with the cooperation of the Vatican?
The Vatican has sought a quick and final decision on the Franciscans of the Immaculate case and there could be an announcement by Easter it is reported.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider suddenly announces that now is the time for the SSPX to enter the Church and Bishop Fellay should be affirmative.It is reported that by May 2017  Bishop Fellay could be given the personal prelature with no questions asked and no questions asked by him about what the Pope believes and does not believe.Both sides will leave each other as they are.
So someone or some people are in a hurry and have set a sort of dead line for the Catholic Church.Something new is to develop?
So who put up the posters and why?
-Lionel Andrades


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