Thursday, February 9, 2017

There is a wrong inference as a theme in Vatican Council II , and the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate have to accept it : Catholic media silent

Imagine a major Church Council making a wrong inference as a theme. This was Vatican Council II.The secret is out and no one wants to talk about it.
In principle the Council Fathers assumed hypothetical cases were not hypothetcal Even Archbishop Lefebvre overlooked it.For him the invisible case of the baptism of desire was a known exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma EENS.These mistakes are all over Vatican Council II . 
Now Pope Francis and Cardinal Braz de Avez want the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate to accept this version of Vatican Council II and no one is discussing it. The traditionalists are not discussing it and neither conservatives like Michael Voris and Nick Donnelly.

Image result for Foto Don Alessandro Minutella

There is an Italian priest on Gloria TV,Don Alessandro Minutella who refers to the Church being in a diabetic coma, but he himself will not discuss these issues or affirm the truth in public. 
Just imagine it, the Council Fathers, including Archbishop Lefebvre met and discussed so many things of the faith, and their conclusion, the Council text was based on bad philosophy, and non Catholic philosophical reasoning.This could not be work of the Holy Spirit.

There are  professors of philoosphy at the Legion of Christ university in Rome with whom I  have been in contact with. They will not answer basic questions and are telling each other to also not answer them.These are priests! They are afraid of losing their job.
Image result for Photo Fr.Edward McNamara
Even the Dean of Theology at UPRA Fr.Edward McNamara L.C will not comment. Neither will the new Dean of Theology, an American,comment on the philosophical error, which he is forced to teach by a magisterium in heresy.

They are all ignoring  a philosophical mistake which is there as a theme in Vatican Council II.It has created a new theology.It  makes Vatican Council II a rupture with the past.It is heretical.This is a bigger issue than Amoris Laetitia.We Catholics are not obliged to accept the heresy of the magisterium.Today they still choose the false premise when they have a rational option.
When this false theology is avoided the Council is no more a break with Tradition and is no more heretical.This leaves the magisterium with its irrational interpretation, still heretical.They are not willing to correct themself.
The traditionalists are not affirming this version of Vatican Council II and nor are the Catholic conservatives.

The cardinals and the popes are still interpreting Vatican Council II with this irrational premise which creates a non traditional conclusion.They seem unaware of the choice or they just want to maintain their status quo.

They are unaware that it is the present magisterium, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is in unbelievable heresy.Or they want to let it remain like this since it is acceptable to the political Left. 

Catholics could ask Cardinal Muller and Archbishop Di Noia to affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with the Feeneyite interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). The cardinals, bishops and priests at the CDF will not do so!

The SSPX instead of pointing out the error and affirming the rational and traditional interpretation of Vatican Council II have chosen to quietly enter the Church. Rome can remain in error. It is not their concern.
Image result for Photo Remnant Forum logo
The Remant Forum does not want to affirm Vatican Council II without this error since then they would have to say all Muslims are on the way to Hell, without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7) and LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc are not known exceptions.They have a bank account to preserve and its not yet time to go underground.

Have you noticed that Michael Matt and Chris Ferrara never mention these points of faith. They protect themself. They criticize Pope Francis and speak in general and vaguely. It is expedient to say Vatican Council II is a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It could be costly to say Vatican Council II is not a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Since then the Left will notice that the Remnant is affirming Feeneyite EENS which says all non Catholics are on the way to Hell and they are affirming the Social Reign of Christ the King, based on Feeneyite EENS.

Similarly Rorate Caeili considers  it prudent to mention Vatican Council II being a break with Tradition but will not affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors and the dogma EENS.First comes the personal website and then comes the needs of the Church.Let someone else do it , is the attitude. 

It is the same with Michael Voris and Nick Donnelly.

The Vatican is asking the Franciscans of the Immaculate to affirm Vatican Council II with the irrationality as a theme. Michael Voris and Nick Donnelly already accept this version of Vatican Council II.

In fact Church Militant TV considers the SSPX to be in doctrinal error since like CMTV the SSPX does not affirm  Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and pretend only the convenient and politically-safe Vatican Council II (Cushingite) exists.
They are all promoting heresy and error to protect their worldly interests.The Franciscans of the Immaculate and all religious communities will have to ignore the factual errors which are there in Vatican Council II as a theme since Catholics in the media do not  want to refer to it.So the magisterium and the political Left get away with it.
-Lionel Andrades

December 27, 2016

Imagine a major Church Council making wrong inferences as a theme. This was Vatican Council II.The secret is out and no one wants to talk about it

Pope Francis' doctrinal error is magisterial and being forced upon Franciscans of the Immaculate priests

February 6, 2017
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Pope Francis and Cardinal Avez want you to accept heresy and mortal sin.Reject it.

February 4, 2017

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate protest against Pope Francis and Card.Avez's absurd and strange theology

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