Friday, February 24, 2017

Traditionalists need to regularize their situation.

Image result for Photos of the SSPX logo
It is time for the traditionalists to regularize their situation.The SSPX and the St.Benedict Centers(SBC) and the sedevacantists have been interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism. They need to switch to Vatican Council II ( Feeneyism).They will put their old ideological opponents on the defensive.
Image result for Photos of the SSPX  membersImage result for Photos of the SSPX  membersImage result for Photos of the SSPX  members
You tell the liberals to affirm Vatican Council II ( F).
Tell them to reject Vatican Council II (C) and affirm Vatican Council II(F).
Tell them to affirm EENS( F) and also EENS(C).
Tell them to affirm baptism of desire(BOD) and being saved in invincible ignorance (I.I) with Feeneyism and reject BOD and I.I (Cushingism).Tell them you interpret BOD and I.I with Feeneyism and ask them if they have an objections.
Tell them outside the Church there is no known salvation in 2017.
So announce it. Tell them you affirm EENS and Vatican Council II Feeneyite( with no known exceptions to EENS Feeneyite in 2017) and ask the two popes and the CDF to do the same.
Image result for Photos of the St.Benedict centre Richmond  N.HImage result for Photos of the St.Benedict centre Richmond  N.HImage result for Photos of the St.Benedict centre Richmond  N.HImage result for Photos of the St.Benedict centre Richmond  N.H
Tell them that rationally Vatican Council II (F) cannot contradict EENS(F) according to the magisterium of the 16th century .
With Vatican Council II (F) there is no 'development of the dogma' EENS. So Pope Benedict was wrong in March 2016 in the Avvenire interview.He was using Cushingism.
In the past the the SSPX and SBC would oppose each other by using Cushingism.Now that is history.
Image result for Photos of the SSPX  Williamson and FaureImage result for Photos of the SSPX  Williamson and FaureImage result for Photos of the SSPX  Williamson and Faure
I use the terms Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite and Cushingite) since it is useful to clarify my thinking. However the SSPX and the SBC could use different terms.
Call it Vatican Council II ( without the irrational premise) and Vatican Council II ( with the irrational premise) if you want to. Call it Vatican Council (with the old ecclesiology) and Vatican Council II ( with the new ecclesiology).Or call it Vatican Cuncil II (F) and Vatican Council II (C) as you like.
Image result for Photos of sedevacantists Bishop Donald Sanford
Image result for Photos of sedevacantists

But affirm it in public.
-Lionel Andrades


FEBRUARY 24, 2017

The schism will not emerge from Amoris Laetitia and the dubbia as many traditionalists believe

Featured Image

 FEBRUARY 23, 2017
Could Pope Benedict trigger a schism from the Left ?

FEBRUARY 23, 2017

If Pope Benedict XVI would affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite)....

FEBRUARY 18, 2017

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