Saturday, February 25, 2017

‘Visionaries’ Continue To See ‘Serious Times’

‘Visionaries’ Continue To See ‘Serious Times’

An alleged seer named Iveta Fernandes of Fouymount, Ontario, asserts that, despite economic upturn and relieved tension in some spots over religious liberties, Westerners shouldn’t get complacent about the state of the world.
Image result for roman danylak
Fernandes — whose reported experiences began on June 27, 1993, at a site of apparitions, in Canada, called Marmora (upon which the diocese has not ruled) — avers she has been granted various messages from the Virgin Mary about our “serious time,” including three “secrets.” Among other outlets, her experiences have gained the attention of the Times of India.

The visionary, who was close to the late Ukrainian Catholic Bishop Roman Danylak of Toronto, said that matters in the world “will escalate to worse under the pretense of looking better. We must not lose sight of the fact that the devil is very cunning. That is where we have to watch and pray. The Catholic Church stands on solid ground.” She also experiences alleged Eucharistic miracles.
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There will come, she believes, a period of persecution. Catholics “in time” will be underground.

As always, we submit such augury for purposes of discernment only. Her local bishop, Most Reverend Michael Mulhall, though on what she describes as excellent terms with her, has issued no pronouncements on Iveta’s claims, which extend to Goa, India, where she once lived and where she travels — allegedly directed there by Mary — for two annual apparitions.
Daily visitations have ceased, the visionary told Spirit Daily, and now she sees the Blessed Mother only those two times a year, on December 8 and 25.
“She’s a beautiful mother,” says the Canadian, who was once a hairdresser in Hudson Bay, where she managed two beauty salons. “I have been next to runway models, but there’s not a woman on earth who could take her place. Her beauty comes from inside. She radiates purity. She is dressed in a pure white, in the manner of the Immaculate Conception,
“She always identifies herself as the ‘Mother of God,’ but not always like Lourdes; in garments that are similar but not as Our Lady of Lourdes but instead with the title, ‘Mother of God.’ Her main message is conversion and conversion takes purity. Purity is so lost that modern women have to get back into the attire of glorifying God. We’re in serious times, as she indicates.”
In the current situation, claims Iveta — again, for discernment only — many people are headed for hell, especially due to lack of charity, which she says is a critical and perhaps the key standard for evaluation in the afterlife by God. “We must be more charitable, to everyone,” says Iveta. “That charity plays a very vital part. That will bring about the necessary purity [to enter Heaven]. Materialism right now is Satan’s way of tempting us.”
Iveta, who was born to a wealthy family in Nairobi, Kenya, before moving to Goa, and then Canada, believes the Pope was elevated by the Holy Spirit to lead mankind back to charity, describing him as “a man of great holiness, a simple man. He was chosen by God. And yet he is our Peter. His suffering is very much. It’s sad that many do not see him in that context. There can be a crack in our spirituality — and the enemy can slip in and cause schism. His suffering is very much. It’s sad that many do not see him in that context.” 
For our individual considerations.
We feel it’s important to give air to the mystical (Catholicism is the “Mystical Body”), but at the same time are well aware of the pitfalls. Fasting should be practiced before visiting any site of apparitions, especially those that have not yet been sanctioned by the Church.
Her serious statements dovetail those with another purported messenger, stigmatic Giulio Mass of Italy, who on February 18 (2017) reported “Jesus” making an interesting allusion to a miraculous occurrence that, supposedly, will be in a Portuguese-speaking country (perhaps, his website speculates, South America):
My dear ardent souls, in you my will must be fulfilled. I have called you to be instruments of love and peace. There will always be errors because they are part of human nature, but recognizing them and repenting of them is part of the spiritual life that all people should undertake.
“I am setting you on your way; do not be discouraged if I have called you from different and far-off places – each of you has paths made to measure, apparently different, but which should merge into a single work.
“You are receiving many gifts, I have given you many signs and soon another will be manifested in the distant land where the language used is that chosen by My beloved mother [speaking] in Cova da Iria to the shepherd children [Fatima]. All that you are sharing is so by my express volition and has a precise reason.”
Brazil, Angola, and Mozambique are among a handful of nations that speak Portuguese — if there is validity to such an interpretation. Another place where Portuguese is spoken: Goa!
“My souls, whoever loves has duties to fulfill. The heart and the human mind are strange and let themselves be attracted by false requests, but the universal law of love which should reign in my Church and which I am conveying to you and that you are observing, imposes rules of love that are very different from human thinking. Whoever is not with me is against me. I will yet tell you what to do. Remain with me. I bless you in union with the Father and the Holy Spirit. I will always be with you, now and always. I love you.”
[resources: a new book of prophecy, by Michael H. Brown: Where The Cross Stands: The Last Chance To Reclaim America]
[Footnote: another recent message from Massa: “My beloved children, my heart trembles with joy when a soul surrenders eagerly and ardently to the Most High. Children, my Heart protects from harm the soul that hopes in God with a faithful heart .. May souls rejoice and not suffer because of tribulations, because My Maternal heart neither hides nor falters but is attentive and vigilant. My children, in these times there is an extreme need of prayer. Do not listen to those who speak in my name and do not call to prayer. Today the Holy Rosary will be heard by the Most High as if it were my voice. Prayer is a request of mine and is directed to all peoples. Prayer must spring from a willing heart; it must also be frequent and made with love. ever put it aside, because I want all of you, through it, to reach God. Today the world is confused, so confused: evil presents itself as the only way out; humanity is led by Satan into the deepest of abysses, towards the fullest destruction of the soul .. Blessed are those who want to see clearly in their hearts.”]

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