Wednesday, March 1, 2017

I affirm Catholic magisterial documents including Vatican Council II with Feeneyism and for the Left this could be 'hate'

For the Benedictines all over the world Vatican Council II interpreted with traditional Feeneyism would be 'hate' so they interpret the Council with irrational Cushingism.
The Vatican, CDF/Ecclesia Dei does the same.
Image result for Photos Cardinal Muller with Mons.Pozzo Ecclesia DeiImage result for Photos Cardinal Muller with Mons.Pozzo Ecclesia DeiImage result for Photos Cardinal Muller
The SSPX is not a hate group on Vatican Council II
since even though they vaguely reject the Council they
still can only interpret it with Cushingism.They will
not affirm Vatican Council II with Feeneyism since may be they do not want to be considered a hate group on this issue.
I interpret Vatican Council II, extra ecclesiam nulla
 salus, the baptism of desire and blood and being saved  in invincible ignorance, the Catechism of the
Catholic Church(1995) and  the Catechism of
 Pope Pius X with Feeneyism.
Feeneyism for me means  invisible cases on
 earth are always invisible,
 2) hypothetical cases are always hypothetical,
3) there are no visible cases of the baptism of
desire and being saved in invincible ignorance
in 2017,
4) there are no physically visible cases of non Catholics saved in 'imperfect communion with the Church' (UR 3), 'elements of sanctification and truth'(LG 8) or because of the subsist it theory however it is interpreted (LG 8) etc.
So Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) for me is in harmony with extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Feeneyite).
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1995-Feeneyite) is in harmony with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and also the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Feeneyite- according to the 16th century missionaries).
I affirm Catholic magisterial documents and for the Left I could be affirming 'hate'.-Lionel Andrades

March 1, 2017

Two new Benedictine Orders of Tradition have been recognised since they reject the ecclesiology of St. Benedict on extra ecclesiam nulla salus

February 28, 2017
Image result for Sacro Speco Subiaco Photos

State allows Benedictine monks in Italy to live the Rule of St.Benedict but not his theology


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