Saturday, March 18, 2017

Italian Stigmatic: Latest Message

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Italian Stigmatic: Latest Message

Message of Our Lady Queen of the Rosary
Entrusted to Giulio Massa (Italian stigmatic, for discernment)
Beloved children, faith must be a perpetual lamp that never stops emitting light.

God is testing you in faith, therefore I invite you to be perseverant.
Who does not believe will live in confusion and bewilderment, while whoever believes will have their way illuminated by the Lord.
Do not hide from perfect love of my heart!
May meekness be accompanied by charity and may purity remain in you constantly.
The world needs to nourish itself with God, and I am concerned for His flock; children, children, my beloved children, my heart radiates love, my mouth spreads wisdom; I tell you to observe my words.
This is the time when My intervention as Mother is stronger than ever.
Do not be weakened but protect yourself from all forms of evil; pray the Holy Rosary, prayer is my beacon that illuminates the darkest paths.
I ask that the hearts of my children be humble, gentle, generous.
I ask for an alliance of humble hearts because it is in humility that Christ is known and loved.
The enemy is fierce, but do not fear, because I am fighting in these days.
I come to rebuild where there are spiritual ruins, I come to bring hope, joy, because souls must return to God through prayer, conversion and love.
My fire of love does not go out because my Immaculate Heart is an inextinguishable source of love.
Pray, because when we pray the soul overflows with love and there is no desire other than to love everyone, to help everyone, and your heart is transfigured by that of my beloved Son Jesus.

Adore the heart and the face of my Son, because I am always beside souls enamoured with His Divine Presence, alive in the Blessed Sacrament.

I leave you in peace and I bless you in the name of the Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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