Friday, March 31, 2017

Marching on in March


 MARCH 31, 2017

Will Pozzo and Fellay end their fake news and issue a clarification?

March 29, 2017

For Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) and Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretrary of Ecclesia Dei, Vatican Council II( Cushingite) is a rupture with Tradition.Not for me.They are Cushingites. I am a Feeneyite.

March 28, 2017

Bishop Fellay to condone Cushingism in exchange for Vatican recognition

March 27, 2017

It was wrong for Vatican Council II to reject the old ecclesiology and old theology on exclusivist salvation, assuming there was known salvation outside the visible limits of the Church.

March 27, 2017

I am not denying the baptism of desire.Common sense tells us it is invisible in 2017 and the dogma indicates it would be followed with the baptism of water for salvation.

March 27, 2017

Council of Trent can be interpreted with Feeneyism or Cushingism

March 27, 2017

The Catholic Church today contradicts the Catholic Church of for example in the 16th century. The error was assuming invisible for us baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma EENS.Pope Benedict confirmed this last March 2016

March 27, 2017

Long lists of Baptism of Desire and Blood do not mention any exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

March 27, 2017

Long lists of Baptism of Desire and Blood do not mention any exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus -2

March 27, 2017

We canot know of any exception to the dogma EENS, this was the mistake of the magisterium in the Fr.Leonard Feeney,Boston Case

March 26, 2017

For me BOD,BOB and I.I are invisible. This is how it was understood over the centuries.

March 26, 2017

The catechumen is technically outside the Church he is on the way to Hell. It is only with good will and the new theology based on invisible cases being visible that he is given a burial.

March 26, 2017

The ordinary way of salvation is the baptism of water in the Catholic Church; faith and baptism for adults. The general way of salvation is not BOD, BOB and I.I or having a good conscience

March 26, 2017

Due to the error in the 1949 Letter the traditionalists and sedevacantists too have chosen the wrong philosophical reasoning.Invisible people are visible for them.

March 25, 2017

So who was in heresy, Fr. Leonard Feeney or the Archbishop and Jesuits in Boston?

March 25, 2017

So there is only one known baptism and not three.TradCatKnight Eric Gajewski misses this point

March 24, 2017

That the baptism of desire is not an exception to EENS is not being taught at the Angelicum since it is not approved by the Left : ecclesiology would once again be exclusivist.There would be the past ecclesiocentrism.

March 23, 2017


March 22, 2017

The Angelicum University does not come to Vatican Council II knowing that the baptism of desire cannot be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus : since then the interpretation of the Council changes

March 21, 2017

Vatican Council II has a continuity with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus but the Angelicum hides this Catholic teaching

March 20, 2017

Ron Conte is a universalist who uses the Cushingite error in Catholic theology, he mixes up what is invisible as being visible in a new Christian theology of pluralism

March 20, 2017


March 19, 2017

Rapid Response Team needed at the Angelicum University : unethical academics teach factual and objective errors

March 18, 2017

Photo of the Month in Rome

 March 18, 2017

The Fatima Network unlike Archbishop Lefebvre, can interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism

March 18, 2017

All who are in Heaven are Catholics with the baptism of water and Catholic faith. This is the dogmatic teaching of the Church.It is not my guess.

March 17, 2017

The baptism of desire is no more an issue

March 17, 2017

If the references to BOD,BOB and I.I are interpreted with Cushingism then it is irrational, non traditional and heretical.It is a rupture with the original sources

March 17, 2017

There is a difference between those who interpret BOD, BOB and I.I as being invisible or visible cases in the present times.It is the difference between Feeneyism and Cushingism, rationality and irrationality,being in accord with the Principle of Non Contradiction or violating it.

March 17, 2017

The practical result now is that Vatican Council II can be interpreted as a rupture or a continuity with the past, depending upon the use of the irrational premise; invisible cases are visible or not visible in 2017.

March 17, 2017

Don't bring the Leftist, Masonic agenda into the Catholic Church : Anglicans at St.Peter's basilica.

March 16, 2017

The dogma which Pope Pius XII called an 'infallible teaching' has been set aside and there still is a new salvation doctrine in the Catholic Church which is a rupture with Revelation over the centuries

March 16, 2017

Pope Benedict XVI and the other liberal theologians( Rahner, Kung etc) made an objective mistake. Based on bad philosophy they created a new bad theology

March 15, 2017

I am saying all who are in Heaven are there with the baptism of water in the Catholic Church this is the teaching of the dogma as it was interpreted over the centuries.

March 15, 2017

A St. Emerentina of the past cannot be an exception to the dogma EENS in 2017. This is faulty reasoning.

March 15, 2017

Yes so who can say that they are physically seen in Heaven with BOD and I.I and without the baptism of water?

March 15, 2017

You have said that there is no one in the past who can physically see or know a BOD case.So if there is no known case in the past or the future where is the exception to the dogma EENS?

March 15, 2017

And if someone says she is in Heaven without the baptism of water then who is this person in the Church who has said this? Who gave him permission? Is he recognised by the Church?

March 15, 2017

NO ONE ON EARTH can say whether any/all Baptism of Blood, Baptism of Desire or Invincible Ignorance cases have been baptized with water and this certainly includes you and I.

March 15, 2017

All proclaimed saints are saints period. Who can say that they are saints without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church?

March 15, 2017

Can you interpret Vatican Council II, EENS, BOD and I.I with Cushingism and Feeneyism?

March 15, 2017

There are no physically visible cases of BOD and I.I in the present times and in the past.


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