Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Pope Pius IX and St.Alphonsus Ligouri did not say invisible cases are visible in the present times

Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Moral Theology, Book 6, Section II (About Baptism and Confirmation), Chapter 1 (On Baptism), page 310, no. 96:
“Baptism of desire is perfect conversion to God by contrition or love of God above all things accompanied by an explicit or implicit desire for true baptism of water, the place of which it takes as to the remission of guilt, but not as to the impression of the [baptismal] character or as to the removal of all debt of punishment.”
Therefore, a baptism of desire can also be obtained by implicit perfect contrition for past sins. The baptism of desire does not imprint the baptismal character on the soul, nor does it forgive all temporal punishment due for sin. So the formal Sacrament is better.
Lionel: We cannot know of someone saved with explicit or implicit baptism of desire. If there is someone who desired the baptism of water and died before he received  it, and was saved, it would only be known to God.
Someone saved with the baptism of desire is always, for us humans, invisible and known only to God.So we can accept baptism of desire but know that it has no connection with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. I do not think the saint is making that connection here.
Pope Pius IX in the encyclical Quanto Conficiamur Moerore:
“There are, of course, those who are struggling with invincible ignorance about our most holy religion. Sincerely observing the natural law and its precepts inscribed by God on all hearts and ready to obey God, they live honest lives and are able to attain eternal life by the efficacious virtue of divine light and grace. Because God knows, searches and clearly understands the minds, hearts, thoughts, and nature of all, his supreme kindness and clemency do not permit anyone at all who is not guilty of deliberate sin to suffer eternal punishments.”
A person can only be sent to eternal punishment in Hell by deliberate sin, and, as Pope Benedict XII taught in On the Beatific Vision of God (1336), that sin must be “actual mortal sin”. So non-Christians do not go to Hell for refusing, out of invincible ignorance, a formal Baptism into the Christian Faith.
“There are, of course, those who are struggling with invincible ignorance about our most holy religion. Sincerely observing the natural law and its precepts inscribed by God on all hearts and ready to obey God, they live honest lives and are able to attain eternal life by the efficacious virtue of divine light and grace.-St.Alphonsus Liguori
 This again refers to an invisible case.So it is not relevant to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Pope Pius  IX does not say that it is relevant or an exception to the dogma EENS.
However Cushingites wrongly assume that this is a reference to a known case. So they infer that there is salvation outside the Church and there are known people saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.Pope Pius XII has not said it in the text above but this is what they assume.-Lionel Andrades

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