Monday, March 6, 2017

Saudi Arabia deports 40,000 Pakistanis over jihad terror fears

Saudi Arabia deports 40,000 Pakistanis over jihad terror fears


Saudi Arabia is the world’s chief sponsor of jihad terrorism, but it doesn’t want it inside the Kingdom. Who knew that the House of Saud was full of racist, bigoted Islamophobes?
“Saudi Arabia ‘deports 40,000 Pakistani workers over terror fears,’” by Bethan McKernan, Independent, February 14, 2017:
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has expelled almost 40,000 Pakistani migrant workers in the last four months, local media has reported.
Over 39,000 people have been deported since October 2016 over visa violations and security concerns, the Saudi Gazette reported, citing unnamed interior ministry officials. As well as crimes including drug trafficking, forgery and theft, an unknown number of those removed from the country were suspected to have links to Isis and other extremist groups, the paper said.
The alleged mass deportations come after a year of strikes and other unrest in the kingdom due to unpaid wages following the oil market’s decline and subsequent blow to the Saudi economy.
Authorities in Saudi Arabia have used a viral party video to identify and arrest partygoers in the country.
Official Saudi statistics say that 243,000 Pakistanis were deported between 2012 – 2015. Mass deportations of migrant workers – which Human Rights Watch and other rights organisations say often involve illegal beatings and detainment in poor conditions – are fairly common….

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