Wednesday, March 1, 2017

TradCat Knight and Ann Barnhardt interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism, they use an irrational premise.

TradCat Knight and Ann Barnhardt interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism, they use an irrational premise.It is the same with Archbishop Kevin McDonald and the political Left, the one world religion people who need the new ecumenism desperately.
The new ecumenism is based on Cushingism. There is known salvation outside the Church for the English bishops since invisible cases of the baptism of desire etc are assumed to be visible.Then they infer that these invisible-visible cases!-exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.It is as if someone has had a view of this in Heaven and has come to tell us about it on earth.
Eric and Ann, both use a false premise.They assume hypothetical cases are not hypothetical.So they will cite the Church Fathers on extra ecclesiam nulla salus and then like the liberals will assume there are known exceptions in the baptism of desire.This was the error of Archbishop Lefebvre and Cardinal Ratzinger among others.
They both use this irrational reasoning to also interpret Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition and in particular with extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Feeneyite or as it was known in the 16th century).
-Lionel Andrades

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