Monday, March 6, 2017

UK: Terror attacks have tripled in 5 years, London’s Muslim mayor bringing in 1,500,000 more migrants

What could possibly go wrong? Only racist, bigoted Islamophobes could possibly object, right?
“Terrorism in the UK more than trebles in five years with 10 per cent of offenders coming from just five wards in Birmingham, survey reveals,” Mail Online, March 5, 2017:
A major new study has revealed terror attacks in the UK have more than tripled in the last five years.
The shocking report also reveals that Islamist-related offences have doubled in the last five years, while the rate of beheadings and stabbings has increased eleven-fold.
London and Birmingham have been identified as housing the most offenders, with East London home to half of London-based offenders (22 per cent overall), the most common boroughs being Tower Hamlets, Newham and Waltham Forest.
The study identifies all Islamism-inspired terrorism convictions and suicide attacks in the UK between 1998 and 2015.
The 1,000-page report, published by the Hannah Stuart and the Henry Jackson Society, says Islamism-inspired terrorism remains the principal terrorism threat to both the United Kingdom and British interests overseas.
London was the place of residence at the time of arrest in 43 per cent of Islamism-related offences.
The second most common region was the West Midlands, with 18 per cent of arrests – 14 per cent of which came from Birmingham.
The report claims: ‘Offenders lived in neighbourhoods with both a higher than average relative deprivation and Muslim population.’
According to the society, there were 264 convictions between 1998 and 2015 involving 253 British or foreign nationals.
And the role of women in Islamism-inspired terrorism has trebled – from four per cent in the years 1998-2010, to 11 per cent in 2011-2015.
Some 72 per cent of those committing offences are British nationals, 47 per cent are in full time work or education and 76 per cent have been known to the authorities….
“Sadiq Khan boasts of 1.5 million new people to capital as he reveals shock ‘London Plan,'” by Siobhan McFadyen, Express, March 4, 2017:
SADIQ Khan made an astonishing admission that his administration is preparing for 1.5 million new people to move to London.
During an event in Surrey, the Mayor of London, 46, was challenged by a member of the public to come clean over his plans to make the over populated city’s air cleaner.
But in his response he has admitted for the first time that the UK’s capital will see an influx of as many as another 1.5 million people.
More than five million people have moved to Britain in 10 years with immigration figures showing that more than 66 million people live in the country.
However there are a number of estimates that say the figures are much higher.
Mr Khan told hundreds of people in the audience: “Going forward we don’t allow London to have worse air than is currently and worse pollution.
“And so there is a couple of big things, that I wouldn’t mind your input.
“One is we are publishing an environment strategy and we need your input into making sure we fulfil my ambition for London to be the greatest city in the world.
“You better remember that our population is rising, it is currently 8.5m, by 2020 it will be 9 million by 2030 it will be 10 million….

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