Monday, March 27, 2017

We canot know of any exception to the dogma EENS, this was the mistake of the magisterium in the Fr.Leonard Feeney,Boston Case

The Will to be Catholic.

Lionel said:
The catechumen is technically outside the Church he is on the way to Hell. It is only with good will and the new theology based on invisible cases being visible that he is given a burial.
For example a person who commits suicide is on the way to Hell but there are liberal bishops who will still given him a burial.
Presently there are people living in manifest mortal sin and bishops will allow them to be buried as Catholics.

George said: Totally untrue!. the cathechumen has the intention of being fully Catholic but has met an untimely death. He fully had the intention of being fully Catholic but was separated by an unfortunate death. His /Her eternal destination remains untold just as a person who dies while shedding his/her blood for Christ WITHOUT being recognized a Saint.
Correct.His /Her eternal destination remains untold! So we can accept this !So do not suggest that this case is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). Since the destination remains untold! We cannot say that this is a case of someone who has been saved outside the Church.We cannot say that this is a person saved with the baptism of desire.We cannot say that we know the destination of this particular person, since he has been given a Catholic burial and every one speaks well of him.
Father feeney said that this was not POSSIBLE. That was most unfortunate. That is why Baptism by Blood . Water and II are all extraordinary means of Catholic salvation not some second hand notation as you mention.
Lionel: He was correct. Every one needs the baptism of water in the Catholic Church for salvation. This was how the 16th century missionaries also understood the dogma EENS. Baptism of desire (BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church is unknown to us in personal cases, their 'eternal destination remains untold'.We may assume someone is in Heaven and hope he is in Heaven if he is a friend or relative living in sin, however we finally do not know.
So we canot know of any exception to the dogma EENS, this was the mistake of the magisterium in the Fr.Leonard Feeney,Boston Case.
The bishops in Malta and Germany will give the Eucharist, and I assume a burial too, to Catholics who have divorced and remarried.
Similarly there are Protestants and non Christians who are outside the Church and pastorally bishops will permit them to marry Catholics and not consider it adultery.
-Lionel Andrades

March 21, 2017
Vatican Council II has a continuity with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus but the Angelicum hides this Catholic teaching

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