Thursday, April 6, 2017

Ecclesiastical Masonry knows that Jesus feels in the Eucharist

Image result for Photo of receiving the eucharist on the tongue
Image result for Photo of receiving the eucharist on the tongueImage result for Photo of receiving the eucharist on the tongue

Maria Simma could see souls in Purgatory and also speak to them.This was her charism.A priest who was in Purgatory appeared to her.He told her that he suffered for making Catholics receive the Eucharist in their hand.He thought Vatican Council II had introduced this manner of receiving the Eucharist. 
Image result for Photo of receiving the eucharist on the tongue
Maria Simma said Vatican Council did not ask that the Eucharist at Mass should be received in the hand.Neither did Vatican Council II recommend receiving the Eucharist standing. She said this was done by Freemason cardinals.
Maria Simma says those who can receive the Eucharist kneeling should do so. Also we should not receive the Eucharist in the palm of the hand.
But why did the Freemason cardinals want the Eucharist to be received on the hand?
 Since Satan would want to hurt Jesus.We know Jesus feels in the Eucharist. He waits for us alone at night in tabernacles all over the world.
Satan hates Jesus. He would want disrespect shown to him in whatever way possible.
We can see this in some things which ecclesiastical masonry is doing in the Catholic Church.
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Is the new bishop of Palermo one of them? The new Archbishop in Palermo drove a cycle within the Church. Pope Francis once announced in public that he may not be there at the Corpus Christi procession in Rome since he had a meeting with an important leader of the Evangelical Church.Then once he kept a beach ball on one of the altars at St. Mary Majors in Rome.
Image result for Photo of Pope Francis keeping a beach ball on the altar
Image result for Photo of Pope Francis keeping a beach ball on the altar
Now he allows the Eucharist to be given to the divorced and remarried. In Rome they are being given to people dressed immodestly and to Muslims who come up to receive it.If the priest would object he could be suspended.
Image result for Photo of Fr.Alessandro M.Minutella
The Eucharist is being mocked in the Catholic Church by what Fr.Alessandro M.Minutella calls 'the false church' and 'the mystical body of the Antichrist'.
This will bring more pain for Jesus who feels and suffers like a human being in the Eucharist.This will please Satan who hates Our Lord.
Ecclesiastical Masonry in little ways targets the Eucharist. Have you noticed that at the Novus Ordo Mass, at the time of the Consecration, people are asked to stand and not kneel. This is a little way that Ecclesiastical Masonry taunts and hurts Jesus.
Think of all the cardinals, bishops, priests who have to give the Eucharist to people in manifest mortal sin.They are cooperating in the sacrilege.Is it a mortal sin for them?
Pope Francis who does not genuflect at the Consecration is ready to give the Eucharist to persons in mortal sin.
When the new Archbishop of Chicago for example is comfortable with giving the Eucharist to those who support abortion or are in a homosexual relationship, one can ask what does he believe in?
When Cardinal Wuerl, Sean o Malley, Dolan and others have values that are pro Satan (giving the Eucharist to Catholic politicians in manifest mortal sin)  one could ask what do they really believe in? Are they part of ecclesiastical Masonry or just following instructions from the pope or someone else?
 Can we judge some people by 'the fruits'? If they are willing to go so far, then how far is far enough fpr tje, ? When they worship, is, it God whom they worship or someone else ?
We can never really know. We can just be positive and judge them positively and hope for the best 1
-Lionel Andrades


OCTOBER 6, 2014

Synod of the Sacrilege?

FEBRUARY 21, 2014


Maria Simma a Civitavecchia, 2000. Deutsch- italiano. Don Linus Dragu Popian

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