Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Example also for traditionalists:Minutella is a 'Novus Ordo Church' priest who is speaking the truth about the faith, without having to reject Vatican Council II.

Don Alessandro M. Minutella is an example of someone who upholds traditional Catholic teachings and he is not a traditionalist. Instead he belongs to , what some traditionalists would critically refer to as 'the Novus Ordo Church'.We have a wonderful example of a Catholic who is faithful to Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict and who affirms Vatican Council II and yet also criticises it.
He affirms basic teachings of the Catholic Church even though he was educated at the liberal and Jewish Left controlled Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.It shows that the Holy Spirit can transcend and side step the false teachings at that Jesuit instituition and those of 'the false Church'.It shows one can soak in the liberal heretical and liberal teachings at the pontifial universities in Rome, collect an academic degree, and come out as, they would say, 'rigid'.
What is wonderful for me is that Don Alessandro has not chosen the Lefbvrist path.They affirm Tradition but without Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).The only interpretation they know of Vatican Council II is that of 'the false church'. The false church accepts Vatican Council II( Cushingite) but they reject it.
The other interesting fact is that Don Alessandro Minutella affirms basic Church teachings and supports himself with Marian apparitions and locutions.Our Lady is doing a tremendous catechesis today, in the end times, through church approved and not approved apparitions and locutions.
Minutella was critical of 'the false church' in Germany and Malta which gives the Eucharist to divorced and remarried Catholics living in mortal sin and he praised Cardinal Muller for criticizing this.
He was critical of the false ecumenism with the Lutherans and the pope's visit there. He explained the false beliefs of the Lutherans on a video.
There are many priests who think as he does however they remain silent.He has decided to give these priests a public face.
He was aware of the persecution that will follow.Now he is a 'vagabondo' priest.The courageous young Italian felt that it was important to affirm the truth and all this time he was exposing the false Church, the pro-Masonic Church.He was doing so inspired by Marian apparitions.
He is an example also for the traditionalists.Minutella is a 'Novos Ordo Church' priest who is speaking the truth about the faith, without having to reject Vatican Council II.Also unlike the traditionalist priests here he is not affirming the new ecclesiology but is criticizing it in public.He is affirming the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church, but not at a Traditional Latin Mass, but the simple Mass in Italian.
-Lionel Andrades

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