Friday, April 14, 2017

Italy: Mosque frequented by Muslims who plotted jihad massacre ordered to shut down

Italy: Mosque frequented by Muslims who plotted jihad massacre ordered to shut down

It is quite possible that these jihadis were incited to plot mass murder in this mosque.
“Mestre mosque ordered to shut down,” ANSA, April 7, 2017 (thanks to Insubria):
(ANSA) – Venice, April 7 – A Mestre mosque frequented by three Kosovars allegedly planning to bomb Venice’s Rialto Bridge has been given three days to close, sources said Friday.
The order was handed to the Bangladeshi clerics who run the mosque, informing them that its activity did not comply with its official use.
The Kosovar jihadists, who lived in central Venice, were arrested last month after a probe in which they were taped allegedly saying it would be easy to find paradise by bombing Venice “because of all the Christians here”.

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