Sunday, April 16, 2017

Journey of a Catholic who is not confused

Journey of a Catholic who is not confused

In late August of 1976, Georges attended the Mass in Lille, France, that announced to the whole world Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre’s battle for Tradition. His pastor had threatened him: “You are following a rebel bishop who celebrates a forbidden Mass.” In 1988, he went to the episcopal consecrations in Ecône, and his pastor, whose Mass he had stopped attending, warned him: “You are all schismatics, you and your bishops.” When he celebrated his wedding in Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet in Paris, his pastor assured him that he was not married. He usually went to confession to a priest at that church, and his pastor told him that he would do just as well to go see a female social worker, because that priest could not absolve sins any more than she could.
In 2007, Georges learned that the Tridentine Mass had never been abolished and that for 30 years he had not been attending a forbidden Mass. In 2009, despite the thundering accusations of his pastor, the bishop who had confirmed his children was not excommunicated. As of 2015, the priest who hears his confession does so validly, something that Georges never doubted but that ought to reassure his pastor—maybe so much that he himself might come to Saint-Nicolas for confession. This month he learned that the priest who married him validly is not obliged to marry him again, which certainly will enable his pastor to congratulate him, a few decades late.
Georges never was a confused Catholic. Today he is certain of one thing: despite all the criticisms, he was right to follow Archbishop Lefebvre, who handed on what he himself had received.
Fr. Alain Lorans

Journey of a Catholic who is confused

In late August of 1976, Georges attended the Mass in Lille, France, that announced to the whole world Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre’s battle for Tradition.He was a traditionalist who was using the new theology of Cushingism. He did not know that Vatican Council II could be interpreted with Feeneyism and the Council would be traditional. His pastor had threatened him: “You are following a rebel bishop who celebrates a forbidden Mass.” His pastor was also confused. Since the magisterium of Pope John Paul and Cardinal Ratzinger were confused between what is visible and invisible.Their interpretation of Vatican Council II was irrational, non traditional and heretical. 
In 1988, he went to the episcopal consecrations in Ecône, and his pastor, whose Mass he had stopped attending, warned him: “You are all schismatics, you and your bishops.”His pastor did not know that both of them were in theoretical heresy and a break with the magisterium of the past centuries.They were attending Mass affirming the new ecclesiology.
With their irrational conclusions they had changed the teachings of the Church on salvation, mission, ecumenism, inter-religious dialogue... When he celebrated his wedding in Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet in Paris, his pastor assured him that he was not married.His pastor assumed that outside the Church there was known salvaton.This was heresy based on the heretical Letter of the Holy Office 1949. The pastor assumed his Mass was valid, unaware of the first class heresy he was in and which supported by the Vatican. He usually went to confession to a priest at that church, and his pastor told him that he would do just as well to go see a female social worker, because that priest could not absolve sins any more than she could.All the priests at that time were absolving sins while interpreting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with the new theology of Cushingism. So there was a new ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue and the teachings on the Social Reign of Christ the King were made redundant.Since there was allegedly known salvation outside the Church according to the popes and cardinals.
In 2007, Georges learned that the Tridentine Mass had never been abolished and that for 30 years he had not been attending a forbidden Mass.But he did not know that the new ecclesiology, the new theology accepted by Archbishop Lefebvre was heretical. The old and new pastor he knew, were following it and so they were not going to tell him about any error. In 2009, despite the thundering accusations of his pastor, the bishop who had confirmed his children was not excommunicated.Since the Bishop has chosen to interpret Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nullla salus with Cushingism he was not excommunicated. If he chose to interpret them with rational and traditional Feeneyism he would be immediately excommunicated. As of 2015, the priest who hears his confession does so validly, something that Georges never doubted but that ought to reassure his pastor—maybe so much that he himself might come to Saint-Nicolas for confession.Yes, theological birds of a feather. This month he learned that the priest who married him validly is not obliged to marry him again, which certainly will enable his pastor to congratulate him, a few decades late.Since the SSPX has compromised  this is possible. The SSPX does not choose to interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Feeneyism.It accepts the new theology of Vatican which is a rupture with Tradition.It does not criticize the Jewish Left any more and avoids being called anti-Semitic.
Georges never was a confused Catholic.He was in  ignorance like so many members of the SSPX and the mainline Catholic Church. Today he is certain of one thing: despite all the criticisms, he was right to follow Archbishop Lefebvre, who handed on what he himself had received.He had received the  new ecclesiology, heretical interpretations of Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus....This the common journey of Catholics who are confused.
-Lionel Andrades

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